Friday, March 25, 2016

Weekend Reads (03/25/16)

It's been a rather slow reading week here at the farm.  I am really enjoying the book I am reading, so it's not that, and hope to finish it Friday night so I can start some new things.  It has just been "down" week at home and I have crashed in front of the TV too much and when it was pretty, took the dogs on a couple of excursions.

I totally didn't get to one book which was on last week's plans, so you will be seeing We3 again, but there are two more I hope to get started (and hopefully finish at least one).  I have a three day weekend, but also plans to get my hair highlighted Friday and a trip to Grandpa's Saturday morning so who knows!  Anyway, on to the books.....

We3 Arena Sunshine Girl

I also hope to relax and watch a couple of movies with DH (darling husband). I know for sure we will watch Mockingjay Part 2, and I'm hoping I can convince him to watch the new Frankenstein with Daniel Ratcliff.

Finally, I am trying to track down a graphic novel series I stumbled on yesterday.  My library doesn't have them so I may have to buy them.  I usually don't buy graphic novels but may have to for this one...BATTLEPUG!

I think there are 5 books, with the 5th coming out this fall and the series will be complete.  Anyone who knows me knows I will probably be unable to resist the adventures of a giant pug!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and if you celebrate Easter, a happy holiday!


  1. I'm doing ok on the reading front but had to take a break this week from blogging and book reviews as my head was exploding with it all! Have a Good Easter weekend!

  2. Oh cute Battlepugs! I love pugs so that looks like a fun read! :) Enjoy your weekend!
