Saturday, May 14, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (65)

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves or TBR piles, may it be physical or virtual.  This means you can include books you buy in a physical store, online, books you borrow from the library or friends, review books, gifts and of course, ebooks! The original meme was started over at Tynga's Reviews.  Clicking on the book should take you to the Goodreads page.  

The past two weeks I have purchased quite a few books and I didn't add them to the haul last week so here are the ones I obtained physical copies of:

Dogtripping The Unexpected Everything The Crow Girl Tailchaser's Song

I had to order the last two from Book Depository, and even if shipping is free, it seems like they took forever to get here.

I picked up the following for my Kindle:

Unsaid The Neighbors The Pretty Ones Red as Blood and White as Bone

All of these were $3.00 each or less and "Red as Blood, White as Bone" is a novella that I won't lie about, it was strictly a cover buy.

 And finally I received the following ARCs:

Wildwitch: Wildfire The Graces The Helland Reckoning The Invisible Library

So what did you add to your stacks this week?


  1. Great haul! The Invisible Library looks really interesting! Happy reading!

  2. I've been read The Unexpected Everything. It's pretty good so far and I love that pretty cover. I'm excited for The Graces. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!

  3. The Invisible Library looks cool! I love the cover especially. I keep seeing the new Matson book around! It's getting lots of love. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fantastic week, Barb. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  4. Haven't heard of any of these. The Invisible Library looks interesting. Enjoy! STS

  5. Nice haul. I am reviewing The Invisible Library as well. Hope you enjoy.
    Bambi's StS and Recap

  6. Yes! The Book Depo takes forever! I tend not to order through them, just because of that. I'm glad all of your pretty books got to you though. And, I'm super jealous of The Unexpected Everything.

  7. Those all look great, I had to go check out the novella you got as the cover and title got

  8. Nice haul ! The Invisible Library seems great !

  9. I saw Unexpected Everything on a blog post last week and was going to tell you about it until the computer broke! I'm glad you found it-what a great cover!
