Thursday, May 4, 2017

May Musts & Mights (Didn't I Just Do April's???)

So I'm not even going to recap April's list.  I think I hit SOME I had on the list but not ENOUGH and I don't want to depress myself or live in the past - gee, that sounds good doesn't it?  So yea, I'm going with that.  There are SOOOOO many good books on my list for May and so many others I'm sure I forgot all about.  (OK, I lied - I did just look at my list, but guess what?  I managed to read all four MUSTS so I'm happy about that!)  Let's get on with the books.



So I really need to read "Wyches" because  Dragonfly Mom over at Our Familiarium saw it on my blog, read it and is now raving about it so I own it to her to be on the same page :)  Also, I read the
first three chapters of "Brimstone" last month and then had to sit it aside because of other book commitments and darn it, I really want to read it so I'm putting it on the list again.  Looks like lots of horror and mystery on the agenda this month.  Plus, how cute is the cover to "Blue's Prophecy?"
I'm a member of a blog tour for that one so watch for my review on the 18th!

So what are you reading this month!


  1. I LOVE the cover to Blue's Prophecy! I love the husky breed and the cover makes me want to buy it right now! I found it hard to pick out my reads for many that I really need to get to. Good luck!

    1. I can't wait to start Blue's Prophecy and even with this list, I know of 2 I forgot all about! Arrrgghhh.

  2. You got some great book for this month! To bad I will be leaving in a few weeks or I would say we could buddy read Keep In a Cold Dark Place. :)

    1. I know. I'm going to miss our "chats" while you are away!

  3. I really want to read You Were Here, it's got to be my favorite cover of the year so far! I hope you get to it because I'd love to read your review.

    1. I'm hoping to start it sometime this weekend - if life allows!

  4. I have Bearly Departed to read and it looks so good.

  5. I read and enjoyed Flame in the Mist but don't know a lot about the other books on your list. I do see some nice dogs on the covers and I remember several of these from WOW posts. I hope you love them all!

  6. I've taken a page out of your book and have started making Must-Might lists as well as an exercise to focus my goals. The problem is I always seem to have more Musts than Mights each month! So I never reach my target, and yes, in a way that's a bit depressing, lol :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It has helped me focus some. I just basically need more reading time.

  7. The Well. Is that a scary well? Like The Ring well? I need to look that one up. :)

    1. I first saw it on Laurie's blog and couldn't resist requesting it.
