Tuesday, January 28, 2020

TTT - Covers That Show Booksnake Is Alive and Well

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week's topic is a cover freebie.  You all know by now how I feel about Booksnake.  I am terrified of snakes so I keep hoping this trend will fade but alas, he seems to be alive and kicking...or slithering.  YUK!  In fact, I did a whole rant discussion post in the past.  You can find it HERE.

This one even mentions him in the title!

You have to look a little harder but there he is in the cover.  I will admit I can handle the cartoon-looking ones better than the more realistic ones.

Now they're teaming up!

This little creepy cover is hiding pretty well but once I saw him, now he's all I see!

Because one apparently isn't enough anymore - double the snake, double the terror!

I have a couple in this series and these ones are somewhat tolerable because they look less real to me.

I guess with the title of this one, there had to be Booksnake.

An adult title I'm STILL debating on reading but I can't get past the attic of snakes mentioned in the synopsis.

Okay, so I'm not going to repeat myself and show the covers I shared in my rant.  I'm just saying that I am really over this trend!  Give me more puppies...or octopi.  I do like some good tentacles!


  1. Snakes *shivers* I must admit, Woven in Moonlight is kind of pretty!

    1. I have to agree that one is pretty. Like I mentioned, I can deal with cartoon snake much easier.

  2. I'm very keen to see what this new Hunger Games book is all about. I know people have mixed views about it being written but I'll read it! You probably don't want to see some of the scary snake covers I have in my collection!

    1. I'm sure it will be quite popular and yep, I bet some of the ones you have in your collection would give me a heart attack.

  3. Well, I'm not really into snakes, but still... some nice ones here.

  4. I'm also afraid of snakes, but for some reason I like booksnake? Maybe we're just kindred bookish souls and that's why? xD

    I actually really like the cover of The Serpent's Curse and Ghost Wood Song. The snakes feel a little more subtle. You know, until they jump out at you, like they do. xD

    Here's my TTT post.

    1. I like the subtle ones too but once I see them, that tends to be all I see.

  5. You do this theme so well, I'm expecting a third roundup of booksnake books soon. You know they're out there!!

  6. Sammie, I think it's super interesting you're afraid of snakes and still like book snakes.

    I like snakes of all sorts. :)

    My TTT .

    1. I remembered you saying you liked them before. I think they are well done covers, but I'm totally over the trend :)

  7. i love creepy covers and snakes are pretty darn creepy. the only thing worse is spiders. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. See, I could take cover after cover of spiders. They don't bother me.

  8. I don't mind snakes. There's only one thing I'm afraid of and that's bee's.

  9. Ewww, I hate snakes, too. A snake on a book cover is more likely to make me run away in horror than pick up said book. WHY is this an ongoing trend? *Shudders*

  10. Booksnake lol. What is it with snakes on covers, actually??

    I do like that new Collins cover.

    1. I don't know Greg but it's a trend that can die if you aske me!

  11. I think I avoid searching out ocean covers like you avoid snakes on covers! As beautiful as the covers are the ocean just creeps me out with all the fish, seaweed and omg I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it LOL ♡
    Awesome post!

    1. I've always been fascinated by the ocean. When I was young I wanted to be a marine biologist.

  12. For someone who hates snakes you sure do talk a lot about them!!! Though some of these do look good but ick, hate snakes.

    1. I know right? Maybe it's a form of therapy. Perhaps I'll eventually desensitize myself.

  13. Not only book snake alive and well, it is thriving! I know I've mentioned seeing a lot more covers with snakes in 2019, and the trend hasn't stopped it seems. Been seeing a lot of ARCs of upcoming books featuring book snake lately.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I'm sure there are more to come. I hope something else becomes trendy too.

  14. I'm always astonished how many books have snakes on their covers especially considering how many people don't like snakes.

    1. I wonder how many of the books with them on the covers actually have a valid reason for them to be on the cover? Does that make sense?

  15. So many snakes. I don't mind it too much, but it is easy to get these covers mixed up.

    1. I never thought about that but you are right. It does make it hard.

  16. "Booksnakes"--ha! Woven in Moonlight is actually a quite attractive cover, but I'm not a big snake fan either.

    1. Yea, I have it on hold at my library so I hope it's good.

  17. Oh my gosh... I love all of these! 🐍😍

  18. I can't believe how many book snakes there are! I wasn't aware until your original post but they're much more noticeable to me now.
    Lynn :D

  19. I don't mind snakes on covers but it is getting ridiculous. Also 9 times out of 10 it has nothing to do with the book itself.
