Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday Anniversary!

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week is Top Ten Tuesday's 10 year Anniversary.  There were a couple of options but I decided to go back and do a topic I haven't done.  At least I don't remember doing it.  

Books That Are Linked to Specific Moments in My Life!

So The Shining was the first King book I ever read.  I remember having a special note from my mother so I could check an adult book out of the library. I couldn't put this book down which is probably why I sneaked it into my 6th grade history class and read it mashed up inside my textbook.  My teacher, Mr, Hodges, was a dolt and never caught on and I still managed to get an "A" in the class.

So technically I never finished this one but I still remember it.  When I was a Sophomore in high school I worked a summer flea market one week for a friend of my mom's.  It was set up in an old 
4-H barn.  I was bored to tears so there was someone selling used books so I ended up buying this.  I kind of got creeped out sitting in a barn with very few people as it got later so I never picked it back up. Possession books still tend to freak me out.

So when Mr. Barb and I started dating, I would read in my car waiting for him to get off work.  He saw me reading this one and I explained there was a spoon making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands and a bean can who is always coming up with philosophies about things.  He looked at me like I grew horns and to this day, when I comment the book I'm reading is really weird, he sometimes mentions it can't be the book with the spoon.

So when I started working my current job, I had to travel out of town for training.  I didn't know anyone there so I took a book to read because I usually arrive places early and for during lunch if needed.  Little did I know that after orientation, our training was moved to a local church where I proceeded to read a book called Demon Lover.  My boss looked at me oddly, but I continued to read it proudly.  

Another one I haven't read but I really want to.  However if I do, I'll need to buy another copy.  Mr. Barb got me the hardback for Christmas the year it was released.  It was sitting on the end table the day that Cassius and Booker T had their fight (those of you who have been here long enough knows how traumatic that was for me).  So even though the book is in decent shape still, it has Booker T's blood all over it in several places and I know it would probably trigger something if I tried to read that copy.

So there you have a few of my book related memories.  I have some more but I don't want this post to be too long.  I've always been one to kind of associate books with times of my life so it was fun to share a few that stick out.


  1. This is such a great idea for a theme! There have definitely been books I love that are even closer to my heart because I read them during a significant time in my life.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I had fun remembering back and doing it. It's hard to believe Top Ten has been around this long!

  2. I love the topic you chose this week! I think The Exorcist would creep me out, too, in such a setting!

    1. It definitely did. I don't scare easily and that movie still terrifies me.

  3. Oh wow, the story about The Fireman is horrifying! I'd love to do a list like this, it would be fun to try and think about certain bookish memories.

  4. I picked the same prompt. Yay!

    My TTT.

  5. Great post! Love your memories of reading The Shining, and not finishing The Exorcist. Oh, and your boss and The Demon Lover, too. Totally made me smile. :)

    1. Yea, I've always pushed the envelope at work a tad :)

  6. Fun topic! I've read THE SHINING, but that's it on your list. Your story about reading in class reminds me of a high school history class where the girl sitting next to me always had a book on her lap during lectures. At one point, she was reading a romance book and I looked over and she had tears streaming down her face! Our history teacher was ancient and never noticed. I wasn't as fearless as her, but I wish I had been. U.S. history would have been way more exciting if I'd had something to read while the teacher droned on and on!

    Happy TTT!

    1. That's awesome that she did that, and probably a little sad. I was one of those kids who always kept up on school and to be honest, found some of the classes a bit boring so at least I was occupying my time quietly.

  7. Connecting a book to a certain time in your life is a wonderful thing. It happens to me with music songs. Thank for sharing this list, I found some new reading inspiration.

  8. I vividly remember how upset you both were after the dog fight. I can imagine that it would be really hard to pick that copy up especially now. This is a good topic and I might put together my own list when time allows.

  9. This is a great topic. So fun to read your mini-autobiography. I actually laughed out loud when I got to "casually sitting in a church, reading a book called Demon Lover."

    (Also, I love that you have a sort of book in-joke from all the way back when you started dating, that's cute.)

  10. I considered using this theme - I love the associations that I have to certain books, a lot are from holidays of course but I still remember certain books just based off the time of year and the particular feelings I experienced.
    Lynn :D

  11. I love hearing personal stories related to books! I don't think it should need to be a special topic. I wish bloggers would do this all the time. I love your Skinny Legs and All story. 💕

    My friend read The Exorcist and after that every time her toddler and newborn baby made weird noises she thought they were possessed. 😆 I borrowed the book from her and when I finished and tried to give it back, she wouldn't take it. She didn't want it in her house. 😅
