Sunday, July 16, 2023

Farm News - July 16, 2023 (In which books were bought and I cried)


Welcome or welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great week.  Things here at the farm were good overall.  We did have a few nasty storms but nothing like a lot of other areas in the US and part of the time was spent just anticipating storms which never happened but were predicted.  I have to admit I am a tad afraid of storms but learned to keep my anxiety under control when we had pups that were terrified of them because I learned they were picking up off my emotions on top of theirs.  Apollo could honestly care less overall unless there is a LOUD thunderclap, and then he just looks at me like "What the hell was that?"

So let's get the crying portion of this post out of the way and it's not what you might expect.  In fact, it's all because we watched Guardians of the Galaxy 3 last weekend.  OMG!  Who thought animal cruelty was great for a Marvel movie?  It was gut wrenching and I sobbed!  Even Mr. Barb, who might normally joke and give me a hard time said the movie gave him a serious case of "the feels" as well.  Overall, it was good, and I highly recommend it just be prepared.  

Apollo is still sporting his bandanas and to be honest, I can see it being an all the time thing now because he looks forward to picking one out every morning and then prancing off.  Here is a picture I took of my "co-worker" lounging on the job one day while I was working hard.  I do think I like darker colors on him the best although it's hard to tell anything from this angle.  Crazy dog!  

So as I mentioned, I also bought books this week.  More than I had in a while.  I ended up finding two books fairly cheap on Pango that I had been wanting and the seller was awesome enough to throw in one for free.  I don't purchase from Pango often but admit that it is the first place I check now when I am wanting a physical copy of something.

I also ordered a couple of physical copies from Amazon because I had a gift card and because I wanted them - sorry, not sorry 😆.  I prefer to read anthologies in physical format and was really curious about the other two after seeing so many people read them for the Summerween reading event on Booktube the first week of July.

And finally, there were a few Kindle grabs and you might see a couple show up as buddy reads with Stormi later this month.  

So how was your week?  Did you read or watch anything good?


  1. That photo of Apollo is adorable! It's making me miss Otis so badly. We're going to get another dog but I'm not ready yet. I hope you have a great week, Barb!

  2. I love your co-worker lol. I decided to skip watching Guardians 3. I loved the first two, and I think I may just keep it at that for now.

  3. What a cute pic! Your books look so good. Enjoy them and have a great week!

  4. haha I included my coworker in my post also. And she's just the same right now.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  5. That's good to know I haven't seen the show yet. And I'm the same way w/ anthologies... I like them in physical format.

  6. Dont worry for the storms, usually inside the House you are ever safe.
    Curious photograph of the sleeping dog. Nice dog.
    Greetings from Mallorca, and have a very nice summer.

  7. I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Now I need to hunt down the first two movies.

    What a handsome co-worker you have!

  8. Aw your Apollo is adorable! I am more of a physical book than digital edition person but I use the library for most of my reads. I do however splurge a few times a year on books for my own personal library!

    Glad that you were safe from the storms!

  9. I don't think I could watch it now, I can't stand animal abuse whatsoever. Hubby and I were going to watch it, but not! Your Apollo is absolutely adorable, and into that sleep pretty good, lol! Have a great week, Barb 🌞📚💜

  10. Yes! I also cried a lot at Guardians of the Galaxy 3!!! It was so good! Love Apollo, lol. Hope you enjoy Dead Eleven as much as I did!

  11. One of my dogs likes to lie on her back like Apollo is. Silly dogs! I loved Nettle & Bone and really liked Dead Eleven too. I hope that you enjoy all of your new books!

  12. Aww, Apollo is so cute! Enjoy your new books. I liked Nettle & Bone.

  13. Great list! Buddy reads are always fun!
    My daughter lives in Manhattan (the cheaper section) so I'm going to steer clear of Manrattan. Yikes! 😬

  14. I'm happy to hear Apollo isn't afraid of storms. 😌 Our cat is terrified of thunderstorms. He's the first cat I've ever had that hides, and for hours afterwards. 😯

    I have both The Peculiars of Peter, and Nettle and Bone on my TBR. I'll be watching for what you think of them. 📚

    I hope you've been having a great week. ☀
