Monday, December 18, 2023

Farm News - December 18, 2023


I honestly think the holidays are kicking my butt and they are seriously affecting my reading and my blogging.  Last weekend I ended up making 12 dozen or more cookies so my husband could pack the cookie tins we give as gifts to some of our elderly neighbors/friends in the neighborhood.  We enjoy doing it but it's a lot of work.  Then this weekend my one friend from the lower part of the state came in Friday and Saturday to visit and celebrate the holidays and then another friend and her two kids joined us Saturday afternoon for dinner out and gift exchanges.  Finally, Mr. Barb and I got the tree up last night by 7:30pm and now I'm constantly watching Zeke out of the corner of my eye at all times.

Speaking of, Apollo and Zeke are doing fine.  They are basking in the Christmas glory.  One of the neighbors got them toys and snacks already and then everyone that visited this weekend brought them more of the same.  And of course, Mom and Dad are spoiling them as usual.  Apollo has the patience of a saint especially since Zeke can't seem to sleep unless he is touching his big brother.  Plus he is getting so big!

I've been lucky enough to receive quite a few digital arcs lately.  Many thanks to the authors, publishers and Netgalley.  I will link the title to Goodreads if you want to find out more about these.  

Under Your Spell: Laura Wood
That's Not My Name: Megan Lally
Stratford's Lighthouse: Joshua Stevens

One Must Go: Alex Reid
Silent Sister: Megan Davidhizar
On the Surface: Rachel McGuire
Diavola: Jennifer Thorne

I am finally feeling the desire to read horror again.  I think I burned myself out during October and then I went on a holiday romance kick and have read quite a few.  I still have at least one more I'd like to get done by the end of the month.  However, I'm now shifting into holiday horror reads. I don't have high expectations for Santa is a Vampire other than a fun, silly romp and so far that's what it is delivering. Christmas Carnage should drop on my Kindle on 12-22-23 and I'm hoping for a Christmas Eve finish with it.  And finally, I'd like to get to It Sees You When You're Sleeping.  It's under 50 pages so it should be easy enough to do if I can just find some time.

So I hope everyone is enjoying their time no matter how they are spending it.  Look for a few holiday book reviews this week.  And as always, thanks for visiting Booker T's Farm!


  1. I received a bunch of ARCs last week too. Your holiday season sounds like it is going well. Come see my week here. Happy reading and happy holidays!

  2. I love hearing about Apollo and Zeke. Such cuties. I'm glad they are doing so well. Your books look good. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  3. Enjoy these pleasant pastimes even though they are tiring because they only happen at holidays. We planned and are doing less. We haven't gotten our tree yet but I'm going out to do my grocery shopping for the week today. I may fit in tree shopping or it may wait.

    Happy Holiday Barb!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I always make plans to read a ton of books during the winter, and then the holidays happen. I hope you're having a great week! The dogs are adorable.

  5. Aww... Your dogs are so cute sleeping together like that! And 12 dozen cookies? that is a lot of work. We used to give out cookie plates every year at Christmas, but now I'm too tired and we send Christmas cards instead. ;D

  6. I only recently learned that Christmas horror was a thing! I don't know why I am surprised, but I was. I know Christmas isn't always cozy and nice, but that's how we all picture it! I hope you enjoy all of these when you get the time to read them. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, Google has been weird lately with my sign-ins-Cindy from

  7. It's been tough to get going this year. Just too many other things occupying my time. Hope you enjoy your holidays and get some reading done. Apollo and Zeke are adorable.

  8. It's very kind of you to spend your time baking cookies for your neighbors! I mostly read horror in October but I read Krampus by Brom a couple of weeks ago. It was a good Christmas horror/dark fantasy novel with beautiful artwork. I recommend it if you haven't read it. Enjoy your week and happy holidays!

  9. Under Your Spell is on my TBR as well. I don't know most of my neighbors. Just the ones right next door, Argyle and their dogs like to bark at each other through the fence. Lol. So we give toys to their dogs for christmas. Zeke and Apollo pictures are so adorable! Dora was like that as a puppy having to always be right next to her big sister. She's even still like that with her "little" brother, who is now bigger than her. And sometimes he moves away, but mostly he puts up with her. Have a good week!

  10. I'm happy you had a festive Christmas and I love that you give out cookie boxes! 🤗
