Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Feed Your TBR - Flirting With Disaster


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

January 14, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: It's been years since Meena has seen her husband, Nikhil . . . years since they first laid eyes on each other back home in Texas, years since they eloped in Las Vegas and she felt true happiness. A high-powered lawyer on Capitol Hill, ready to move on (or at least, she thinks so) with another successful lawyer, Shake, Meena has returned home. This time, finally, to obtain a divorce.

But there's one thing Meena couldn't have accounted for: a hurricane forming in the Gulf, veering right toward them, giving them no choice but to hunker down in the home they had built together. Suddenly, she finds herself trapped amid gale-force winds and pelting rain with the man she once loved.

As they spend more time together, Meena begins to remember everything that drew her to Nikhil: His small-town charm, his thoughtful nature. . . his absurdly good looks. But things make sense with Shake. He’s steady and ambitious and wants exactly what she wants. She’ll stick to her plan, come hell or high water. But will her windswept heart make the right choice, when the storm settles and the eye passes over?

With sharp observations about second chances at love, ambition and Indian American identity, and with characters who share an undeniable chemistry, Flirting with Disaster is a modern romance with the sensibility of a classic.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT: I don't know exactly why I'm drawn to this book and I added it to my wish list on impulse.  I really am intrigued by a forced proximity during a storm and a possible rekindling of a marriage gone bad.  Maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me that usually hides behind monsters and serial killers 🤣🤣🤣



  1. This does sound good! I love the idea of a second chance romance, but I'm not sure I've ever read one!

  2. Sounds interesting. Got me intrigued. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Oh I love the sound of this book Barb! Enjoy!

  4. I'm particularly fond of second-chance romance! I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one, Barb.

  5. I love a good second chance romance. Thanks for sharing! :)
