Friday, June 7, 2024

May 2024 Wrap Up


May was a pretty good reading month but despite that, there was still a buddy read with Stormi that I didn't get to so it will carry over to June.  Some of my reads were three stars and I had a lonely two star, but I also had a lot of fours and three fives.

Night Wing

Blackberry Summer

White Trash Zombie Goes Wild

A Bump in Boohail

Murder Road

The Pumpkin Spice Cafe

The Good, the Bad and the Aunties

The Man - Not Your Average Average Man

Funny Story


I read the last short story from the Mead Mishap series finally, so I wrapped up that series unless she writes more, which I hope she does.  My favorite of the month ended up being Funny Story and I'm so sad it will be another year before another book from this author.  I also picked up Feed, by one of my favorite authors, Mira Grant (aka Seanan McGuire) for a book club and enjoyed it much more than I anticipated.

Have you read any of these?  Did you read anything in May I absolutely need to add to the TBR?


  1. Haven't read any of these, but I remember Feed being on my TBR ages ago, but I've totally forgotten about it. Maybe I need to bump it back up there. :) Hope you and Stormi enjoy your buddy read in June!

  2. I read two of your 5 heart reads - WTZ and Funny Story. I'm reading two books now I'm not enjoying very much but it's me not them. I'm less patient with romance these days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Too bad about Murder Road, I enjoyed it but it wasn't my favorite by this author. But glad you loved Funny Story, I need to try her books!

  4. I took a look around (it's wild that you've been blogging since 2012 just like me, but we've never met till now!) and saw the Mira Grant cover...glad you're a fan of Seanan/Mira too! I still have to read the Newsflesh series, but she writes so many books, it's impossible to keep up 😂. I also gave you a follow on Twitter (yes, I still call it Twitter LOL). Looking forward to chat more!
