Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Coming Attractions


Welcome back to my monthly feature where I showcase some of what you might see appearing at Booker T's Farm during the upcoming month.  Of the twelve books I featured in February, I ended up finishing six of them but then picked up some other things, so it wasn't a bad month.  

I have two carryovers from last month.  My Funny Demon Valentine is a physical book I own, and I only got about 50 pages in, but I am finding it quite enjoyable.  Plus, the next one comes out toward the end of this month, and I may have already preordered it, so I do need to get it done.  I should finish White Night on the day this post goes live. 

I have three library books I want to get to in March.  I've already finished the Gilmore Girls one which was cute, and I should review shortly.  I also might have already started Our Winter Monster and I'm LOVING it. 

I have several ARCs I want to get to this month.  Buffalo Hunter Hunter is really my main March ARC and the other three are ones I am wanting to get a jump on for April.  

And finally, I have two buddy reads and an online horror book club read this month,

Are any of these on your TBR this month?


  1. Poor Gilmore Girls, surrounded by a bunch of horror 😂. I'm seeing Deadstream around a lot...I may be tempted to pick it up...

    1. I bet Lorelei can talk any monster to death right. Gilmore Girls is a comfort show for me, so I'm always interested in anything associated with or compared to it. I just finished my 5th rewatch before the holidays last year.

  2. I saw that Gilmore Girls' Life Lessons book at my library last week. It does look cute.

    1. It was a fun, quick read I think any fan of the show would enjoy.

  3. The Buffalo Hunter Hunter is my most anticipated of the month, and I'm not sure why I haven't started it yet. I think I'll read it next. Glad to hear you're loving My Winter Monster, that's one I'm curious about. I am overloaded this month as usual but it's a good problem to have😁

    1. I hope I love it because I kind of broke down and ordered a special edition yesterday!
