Tuesday, April 23, 2019

TTT - The First 10 Books Reviewed at Booker T's Farm

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week focuses on the first books reviewed so to make it simple, I'm just going with the ones on the blog and leaving Goodreads out of the equation.

Dear Daughter - Elizabeth Little (4/5)

Surviving Henry - Erin Taylor Young (5/5)

Zac & Mia - A.J. Betts (4/5)

Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding (3/5)

On Borrowed Time (Library Lovers #5) - Jenn McKinlay (4/5)

House Broken - Sonja Yoerg (4/5)

Alias Hook - Lisa Jensen (3/5)

So there you have it.  I have to admit it was nice to go back through the blog as I got to revisit some Booker T posts from when he was in his zombie hunting phase.  I think this is a good selection but no horror, so my tastes have developed some.  If you like cozies, I can't recommend the Dog Walking Mysteries enough.  They are older but really fun.  Also, there is NO WAY Alias Hook would get 3 paws from me now.  

Can't wait to do some hopping and see what you guys have listed today. If any of these look good, clicking on their title will take you to my review.


  1. I laughed out loud at the title of 'top 10 clues you're clueless'! Thank you for the rec for the Dog Walking mysteries -- definitely checking that cuteness out! (Wait, Booker had a hunting zombies phase?!)

    1. It's a good series. The author passed away and I forget how many total there are but I've read them all. The Clueless book is fun if you like lists because they are all over the book.

  2. It's interesting to see how our tastes have changed over the years!

    1. I know. I'm such an eclectic reader that mine doesn't really surprise me but I am surprised there wasn't more fantasy and horror.

  3. This is quite the mix of styles! I LOVED Bridget Jones's Diary when I read it long ago😁

    1. That's me - quite a mix of reading styles! The book was fun but I never continued. I think if I had Bridget would get on my nerves.

  4. This topic was so fun! I loved going back and looking at my first reviews. It's interesting to see how your reading tastes have changed and not changed over the years, isn't it?

    I've been reading more cozies lately, so I'll have to give the Dog Walking series a go.

    Happy TTT!

  5. Surviving Henry looks adorable! I read Zac and Mia before i started blogging and remember liking it. My likes have definitely changed too. I used to read a lot more YA back then and hardly any adult fiction and mystery. I am trying to get back to YA some.

    1. It is and there's even a sequel - Still Surviving Henry. Sadly Henry passed last year but the author is so nice and the books are sweet. I remember in one Henry jumps through the living room window and I was so worried about him being hurt.

  6. Did you ever watch the film based on Bridget Jones' Diary?

    My TTT.

    1. Yes, I actually liked the film. However I've never watched any of the sequels. Bridget will always be Renee Zellweger in my mind.

  7. Interesting group of books. :)

  8. It's so interesting to see what used to interest us and what doesn't any more.

    1. True. I really liked this week's topic. I kind of struggled the past few weeks.

  9. What would you rate Alias Hook now? I'm curious.

    1. Probably a 2/5 at the most. I really struggled with that book and I've since read Christina Henry's Lost Boy and it was AWESOME. Clearly my favorite Hook book now.

  10. Oh wow- Slimy Underbelly looks like a trip!

    1. Greg you should give that series a go. It's kind of a mix of urban fantasy and mystery with some humor thrown in. Lots of great characters.

  11. I have only read one of these books! I read Bridget Jones's Diary forever ago but don't remember what I thought of it. House Broken looks to be worth the chance if only for the cover.

    1. It's a good read and yes, the cover is awesome.

  12. I love the cover of Slimy Underbelly. 😁

    1. One of my favorite series. I always hoped he would write more.

  13. Oh, Bridget Jones Diary! That one brings back memories :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Bridget is quite popular in the discussions here this week :)

  14. Bridget Jones' Diary is good, but I liked the movie better, which is a rare thought for me in the books vs movie debate. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Sometimes sadly the movies are better. It's rare but it does happen. I felt the same way with "What Dreams May Come."

  15. I loved seeing people's posts for this one - especially the way reading tastes change over time - although there are still lots of pups on here :D

  16. Dear Daughter surprised me, and I liked it a lot. It might be a lot darker than most of the books you mention though.

    1. I need to see if the author has released anything else. I think that was her debut.

  17. It's funny how book tastes and ratings opinions can change over the years...but your love for dog books stays the same! *waves* to Cass.
