Saturday, April 25, 2020

What's Happening (04-25-20)...

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out. 

So I hope everyone is still staying safe.  We are doing well here at Booker T's Farm.  Grandpa is still isolating and my Stupid Uncle is actually taking him to his cabin in the country next week for a few days because he seriously needs a change of pace.

It's been another week of reading and watching when I can focus.  I watched the entire first season of The Stranger and while it was okay, I was losing interest by the end.  We're up to the middle of Shameless Season 4.  We also managed to sit down and watch the new Fantasy Island movie.  It wasn't too bad and I for the most part I enjoyed it.

I need to get some books finished by the end of the month so here's what's up on the stack for the remainder of the month.  I'm about 30% into The Girl and the Stars and really enjoying it.  It's actually my first Lawrence book.  I'm also about 50% into Daughter of Chaos and like all the Sabrina/Riverdale stuff, it's at least entertaining.  Finally, I am almost finished with I Am Dust.

This week's haul is a collection of horror and cozies.  Now that's a combination huh?  Look at the cute Halloween pug on The Body from the Past.  I was thrilled to get an arc of Paw and Order because I absolutely loved the first three in the series.  And again, what a cute doggo on Night Shift, the second in the Helping Hands series.

And for the horror of it all!  I think I squealed a bit when I got approved for Mexican Gothic.  And I can't wait to dive into Night Train and The Home.

So there you have it.  Let me know what you guys are reading and watching and everyone take care!


  1. Aah, Paw and Order, I love it! I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying Girl and the Stars, I'm hoping to start that one soon.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  2. I was curious about the new Fantasy Island! And Mexican Gothic sounds really good.

    Hope your weekend is a good one. :)

  3. Yes, I squealed a little bit too when I was approved for Mexican gothic. I love this author.
    We've been binge watching things, we watched Chernobyl again - it's very well done and interesting, we watched the Tiger King which is one of those things you can't decide whether or not you're liking it or it's just a car wreck that you can't tear your eyes away from, Mandalorian -which we really enjoyed, Broadchurch (a crime tv series) and mmm, what else??? Cant think but I know there have been others. Currently finishing off my SPFBO books and then reading Laura Lam's Goldilocks.
    Lynn :D

  4. Oh great choices.. I'd love to read Night Train!

    Here is my Sunday Post. Stay Safe. Take care x

  5. I watched Extraction on Netflix this weekend, and it was pure escapism, so it allowed me to decompress a little from the week. Mindless action does it for me *shrugs* I'm currently reading this ridic funny and snarky book calling The Drop-Offf, which is all about a group of parents at drop off at their kid's school and of course, there are secrets to be had! The Pug from The Body from the Past is sooo cute! And the title of I am Dust is very intriguing, as s the cover. But the title sounds kind of ominous.

  6. I am glad your SU is finally doing something for your Gpa to give him a change of scenery! You got some good ones! I am curious to see what you think of Mexican Gothic cause I watched a booktube video where someone was not a So jealous you got Night Train!

  7. I'm reading The Girl and the Stars now too, and it's my first Lawrence book as well. I'm enjoying it! I've got Night Train on my TBR, and I'm so glad you were approved for Mexican Gothic😁

  8. I need to get started on Mexican Gothic! I got approved for that on Netgalley too, to my surprise!

    Here's my weekly roundup post!

  9. Mexican Gothic is one I'm looking forward to - can't wait to hear your thoughts! Glad you're all staying safe!

  10. I'm still not reading much right now. I will get back to it this week since my husband is home from the hospital and I can concentrate a little more.

  11. Lawerence is brilliant. The Girl and the Stars is next up on my list also. If you enjoy it, you would love Red Sister and the rest of that series, which is where I first tried his work.

    Stay safe and well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  12. That's a lot of good books you've got waiting in the wings. Happy reading! :)

  13. I've not got much reading done but have been watching some movies and shows. Started reading the Murderbot Diaries and I think my reading mojo might be coming back.

  14. Happy to hear all is still well with you and yours. 💜

    I love the covers of Sabrina, and Mexican Gothic! 😍

    I still haven't started my free Netflix trial, so I'm still not watching any shows, but I saved a Hoopla borrow to watch a movie. 😛

    I hope you've been having a good week. 🌞

  15. Yay! I remember how much you loved Certain Dark Things.

  16. I enjoyed The Stranger on Netflix but that might have more to do with the fact that I didn't really remember the book when I watched it. I am sure that the book was better! I hope Grandpa gets the break he needs! Have a great week and enjoy all of your new books!

  17. Cute new dog covers especially the middle one! Dogs always make me smile when I see them on covers.I'm glad everyone is doing ok. A mixture of reading, puzzle construction and TV!
