Saturday, March 1, 2025

Farm News - March 1, 2025

 Well, it's been three weeks since the last Farm News and somehow, it feels like months.  I really wish Spring would arrive with fresh starts, better weather and a bit of peace and quiet! 

So, last I wrote, Mom had fallen and fractured her pelvis in several areas.  She was released from the hospital February 6th, and even that was ordeal.  Her boyfriend had to make a quick pitstop to get something he didn't really need and his van wouldn't start back up.  I ended up having to take her home (about a 30-minute trip), but she was in so much pain and couldn't move well so it took about 20 minutes to get her in my vehicle and then about 20 minutes to get her back out and across the railroad tracks to her cabin by the river.  I wanted to kill him, but he has been great helping her out, so I'll give him a pass this time.  She is healing nicely and is able to walk much better and should go back to work around the 18th of March.

And just when I thought things might have calmed down, I got a call from my mom this past Thursday morning saying my grandpa's house was on fire.  Some may recall I inherited half ownership of his house with he passed three years ago with my Stupid Uncle (SU).  It was a long battle, and he eventually let my cousins move in under the guise they would buy it after a year.  That never happened, they never paid rent and now they somehow managed to burn it to a total loss.  I haven't spoken to SU in several years but am waiting to hear from him I am sure because the insurance payout will be in both of our names, and he will need me for something.  I am devastated that my grandfather's house is gone because he built it himself when he moved from Michigan in the early 60s.  However, this may be the chance to get away from SU completely and take my part of the insurance money and sign the property over to him.  I don't know what caused the fire yet but my cousins are idiots, so the possibilities are endless.  None of the family was home when it happened so at least everyone is safe.  I'm not THAT heartless and am glad about that.

Reading this month was just okay.  I feel like I was in a slump even though I read all month long.  Monday I will be posting a "Coming Attractions" for March and Tuesday should be my review of the next Dresden Files book providing I can finish it this weekend. I will close by sharing some of the arcs I've received lately which I am grateful for and can't wait to read.  Click on the title to hop over to Goodreads to learn more if you are interested. 

Spider to the Fly: J.K. Markert
No Rest for the Wicked: Rachel Louise Adams 
The October Film Haunt: Michael Wehunt

You've Awoken Her: Ann Davila Cardinal
Smile for the Cameras: Miranda Smith 
The Feeding: Anthony Ryan

What About the Bodies: Ken Jaworowski
Girl in the Creek: Wendy N. Wagner

Bad Creek: Peyton June
Darling Beasts: Michelle Gabe

Well, if you've stuck around to the end, thanks for visiting Booker T's Farm.  Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend no matter where you are!