Tuesday, January 1, 2019

TTT - Books That Defined My 2018 Reading

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading. 

This week's topic is the best books I read in 2018.  These may not all necessarily be 5/5 reads for me, but they are the books that stand out in my mind the best.  

On to the books!

This was a 5/5 read for me and it was nice to be able to get lost in another King book.  I enjoyed
"Gwendy's Button Box" but it just wasn't long enough for me.  Not a problem with this one.

I had so much fun with this one and still smile when I see the look on this little girl;s face.  This is the book that made me want to read a little more science fiction.

While "We Sold Our Souls" only got 4/5 from me, it was still one of the best horror books I read in 2018.  And it seemed like I waited for its release FOREVER!

Another 4/5 read but it was truly enjoyable and cemented my love for Christina Henry.

Certainly one of the funnest cozy mystery series I've discovered.  I highly recommend it and its predecessor.

This Shea novel was definitely different than a lot of his other horror books, but I loved it and lots of other people did too!

2018 saw the end of one of my favorite series - Wallace's Sin du Jour books.  But he went out with a bang and even gave a nod to Prince.  I need to see what he is coming out with next.

I can't wait to see what Flame Tree Press comes out with in 2019 considering two of their 2018 releases made my list today!

While the Sookie Stackhouse books introduced me to Harris, all the of the series I've read since have been even better. 

And finally I have to mention the Veronica Speedwell books. I'm already counting the days until Stormi and I read #4 in February!

So there you have it, some of my faves.  I could have added a few more but I hope I've convinced some of you to give one of these a try in 2019.



  1. I hope to be reading Creature at some point this year or at least a handful of Shea books. We Sold Our Souls is also on my list but I don't know when I'll get to it.

    1. I'm afraid you might find Creature slow. Some of my other friends have. I still love it though!

  2. Awesome list! We loved lots of the same books. I'm happy to see We Sold Our Souls and The Mermaid. The Mermaid was a 4 star read for me so it didn't make my best of list, but I did love it!

    1. Yes, we our reading tastes are quite similar at times.

  3. I NEED to get to so many of these!! Great list!

  4. What a great list! We Sold Our Souls and The Mermaid are high on my reading list for 2019. Can't wait to see what you read this year. Happy 2019! :D

    1. Can't wait to see what you think of them. Read The Mermaid first - I think I liked it better.

  5. Night Shift looks fun and I hear lots of good things about Hunter Shea's stuff!

    1. He is a very prolific writer. Just don't get too attached to some of his characters. I do think Night Shift would be something you enjoyed now that you mention it.

  6. I've never read Christina Henry, but I want to change that and read The Mermaid this year!

    1. Hope you love it. She has a new one coming out I can't wait to get my hands on.

  7. Yay for We Sold Our Souls! 👍✨

    I am really excited that Hoopla has the audio for Prey of Gods. I put it on my February Black History Month tbr. 🙌🙌🙌

    1. Oh yes, more people need to read Prey of Gods. Hope you enjoy it!

  8. I've read quite a few of these and I agree there were some pretty big standouts including An Easy Death and The Outsider. Seeing this also reminds me I never got to complete the Sin du Jour series which is a shame because I really like the books I've read so far!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Oh you need to finish. I miss that series so much!

  9. As usual, we are loving some of the same authors and books. I'm so excited to see what is coming out this year!

    1. I know. Wish I had more time to read the new books though!

  10. So many good titles, Barb! I've been curious about Charlaine Harris' new one though the Wild West Setting-ish gives me pause. Interestingly, I've never had an interest in any of her Sookie Stackhouse books, but I've LOVED her other ones.

    1. It actually worked for me. I was hesitant too but I LOVED the setting. And it's actually wild west but futuristic so it was a cool combination.

  11. Me too! Is it February yet so we can read some Speedwell! I need to read We Sold Our Souls and see what I think since I have it. I see a few books we disagreed on in terms of ratings. :) Hope 2019 give you lots of good reads!

    1. Well, we took care of that February problem didn't we:)

  12. Great list. I'll be checking out some of them. Happy New Year.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  13. The Outsider, We Sold Our Souls and Creature would all be on my top 10 list if I got off my butt and created one :)

    1. We really did enjoy some great books this year right?

  14. I haven't read these but Harris is on my tbr. I've only read her Sookie series so I have a lot of catching up to do. Happy New Year!

    1. I think most of her newer stuff is so much better than Sookie. And I enjoyed that series too so that's saying a lot.

  15. I see lot of praise for We Sold Our Souls. Makes me very curious. Hope your 2019 is full of many more wonderful books!

    1. Thanks Alicia. We Sold Our Souls is definitely an interesting book.

  16. The Mermaid was such a great read. It definitely make me want to read more from Christina Henry.

  17. I have only read one of these books. I have so much to catch up on. I need that new Charlaine Harris book in my life.

  18. Lots of great books in 2018! Looking forward to all of your recommendations for 2019!

    1. Thanks Jo. And I can't wait to see yours either!

  19. I totally adored The Mermaid! Looking forward to more Christina Henry's books! I can't believe I still haven't read Sookie!

  20. Oh I'm glad to see you liked the Harris one. I was nervous about it so didn't pick it up. Will have to do that this year.

  21. Great list, I've only read a couple but I'd like to read more and I love that you've made a list that defines your reading - what a great way to put it.
    Lynn :D

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