Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Pet Names


The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to That Artsy Reader Girl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week we are looking at books and characters who would make good pet names.  You know I love my pets and I should be able to breeze through this pretty fast (considering I probably have my next three dogs named before I even have them)!

Hands down Stoker will be one of the pets in our house one day!

I love Jinx as a sidekick and actually think it would make a cute pet name.  No surprise since I call Apollo Binx half of the time anyway.

I think Enzo is a perfect name for a dog.  And apparently Garth Stein thinks so too!

We've never had a female pet but honestly, I think Khaleesi is a wonderful name.

If I ever had a black cat, I'd name her Lilith.

I sort of like the name Curran... or maybe I just like the character.  This one's a toss-up!

I think the name Socrates is perfect - especially for a Basset or a Bloodhound.  

I know right now Mr. Barb would never go for it but I LOVE the name Jughead!

We almost named a dog Bishop once and while it wasn't after Diana, I'm counting it.

And finally, there's Ghus from Saga.  Imagine him as a white fluffy mutt - PERFECT!


  1. Yes, Enzo is a wonderful name for a dog.

    My post.

  2. Jughead! :) Khaleesi's awesome too...

  3. Jughead. 😁

    I love Stoker, too. We're looking to get a black cat and I'm going to add that to the name list. 👏👏👏✨

  4. How amazing the name Stoker would be for a dog! It's also a nice match with one of my dog's names now, Strider. As you might have guessed, he's named after Aragorn's nickname from LOTR :P

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. I love Socrates and Stoker as dog names! I'm finding some of these topics too time consuming to take part in at the moment!

  6. Stoker is such a cool choice! And ahhh, Ghus! I agree, a white fluffy mutt would be a perfect fit!

  7. Jughead, lol. Not sure I'd ever name a pet that, but maybe? I guess it would have to be just the right dog...

  8. Enzo - I love it - and just look at the cute cover for Racing in the Rain.
    Lynn :D
