Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Be Careful Who You Fake Date


TITLE: My Vampire Plus-One
AUTHOR: Jenna Levine
PUBLISHING DATE: September 17, 2024
PAGES: 400   

FROM GOODREADS: Amelia Collins is by definition successful. She would even go so far as to say successfully single. But not according to her family, and she’s tired of the constant questions about her nonexistent dating life. When an invitation to yet another family wedding arrives, she decides to get everyone off her back once and for all by finding someone–anyone–to pose as her date. 
After a chance encounter with Reginald Cleaves, Amelia decides he’s perfect for her purposes. He’s a bit strange, but that’s fine; it’ll discourage tough questions from her family. (And it certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s very handsome.) For centuries-old vampire Reggie, posing as her plus-one sounds like the ultimate fun. And if it helps his ruse of pretending to be human, so much the better. 
As Amelia and Reggie practice their fauxmance, it becomes clear that Reggie is as loyal to her as the day is long, and that Amelia’s first impressions could not have been more wrong. Suddenly, being in a real relationship with Reggie sounds pretty fang-tastic.

MY THOUGHTS: This is the follow up novel to the first in the series "My Roommate is a Vampire" which I ended up loving last year.  I remember wanting more Reggie in that one and was so glad to see this sequel focusing on him.  You could technically read this without going back and picking up the first one, but it was a great book too so why would you?

Amelia is an overworked accountant trying to survive tax season.  When she finds out her cousin is getting married, she feels pressured to find a date because her parents are always hassling her about being single.  She happens to literally run into Reggie outside her building one evening and he ends up owing her a favor.  She calls it in and asks her to be her wedding date.  Amelia is physically attracted to Reggie and finds his oddness endearing but she really has no the extent of his oddness. Reggie on the other hand is running from The Collective - a group of vampires out to punish him for something that happened hundreds of years ago which he may or may not have done.  What ensues is a whole lot of fun and quite a bit of drama.  

As I mentioned, I love Reggie.  He is very upfront and honest with Amelia, and it is not his fault she thinks he is joking half of the time.  I enjoyed seeing their fake relationship develop into something more and I think their differences made them that much more enjoyable together.  We also get to see Cassie and Frederick a bit from the first book, and it was nice to see how things were progressing with them.

If you love vampires and rom coms, then I really think you should check out this series.  There is an element at the end which makes me believe there may be a third book on the horizon following a side character who is mentioned a few times in this one.  I don't know how I feel about her but I'm willing to give it a shot if the author does decide to pursue it.



  1. Your post titles are always hilarious LOL.

    A vamp rom-com? I thought I'd seen everything. I'm not into either (I've only read a couple of series featuring vampires - Thirst by Christopher Pike, because I love him, and WVMP Radio by Jeri Smith-Ready, because I loved the premise), but this one sounds fun!

  2. Glad this was so good for you. I haven't read very much vampire stuff for awhile. But then I read more mystery and scfi than pnr. I do read a lot of urban fantasy so that's where the vamps and shifters come in for me.

    Anne - Books of My Heart
