Monday, March 10, 2025

Insta-Love or Stockholm Syndrome?


TITLE: Dream Girl Drama (Big Shots #3)
AUTHOR: Tessa Bailey
PUBLISHING DATE: February 4, 2025
PAGES: 384   
SOURCE: Library

FROM GOODREADS: When professional hockey player Sig Gauthier’s car breaks down and his phone dies, he treks into a posh private country club to call a tow truck, where he encounters the alluring Chloe Clifford, the manic pixie dream girl who captivates him immediately with her sense of adventure and penchant for stealing champagne. 
Sparks fly during a moonlight kiss and the enamored pair can’t wait to see each other again, but when Sig finally arrives to meet his dad’s new girlfriend over dinner, Chloe is confusingly also there. Turns out the girlfriend is Chloe’s mother. Oh, and they’re engaged. 
Sig’s dream girl is his future stepsister. 
Though the pair is now wary of being involved romantically, Chloe, a sheltered harp prodigy, yearns to escape her controlling mother. Sig promises to teach her the ins and outs of independence in Boston—but not inside his bedroom. They both know there can never be more than friendship between a famous hockey player and his high-society, soon-to-be stepsister. But keeping their relationship platonic grows harder amid the developing family drama, especially knowing they were meant for so much more…

MY THOUGHTS: I have so many thoughts on this book that I almost don't know where to begin. First and foremost, when I read romance, it's often as a palette cleanser for some of the darker, more horror-filled books I tend to gravitate toward. This book was perfectly fine for that. I've also really come to enjoy Tessa Bailey's books and usually grab her newest as soon as a Libby hold will allow me to do so. That being said, this book is my least favorite of this series so far.

Sig Gauthier is a famous hockey player. He didn't know his father very well growing up as his dad took off when he was a baby, taking all of his mother's inheritance with him. On the way to meet his father's new girlfriend one evening, he breaks down in front of a country club and runs into Chloe. The two become very quickly enamored with each other and agree to meet up for a quick one-night stand after they fulfill commitments, they each have that evening. However, they soon learn they are about to become step-siblings.  However, this doesn't stop Chloe from defying her mother and taking off to Boston with Sid so she can study music and what follows is months of lust-filled days of Chloe and Sid being best friends instead of soulmates for fear of family ruin and professional implosion.

So when Chloe moves to Boston, she is a 25-year-old harp prodigy who has been a rich, spoiled socialite her whole life. She has never paid a bill, cooked a meal or had any responsibility partially because her mother kept her thumb her entire life. Sid takes immediate responsibility for Chloe in Boston supplementing her income, paying her rent for an apartment nicer than his own, and basically teaching her how to function. She is completely dependent on him on only at the end starts to realize what he has sacrificed. There is also the stepsibling angle. I get an "ick" when I think of step-siblings who aren't blood related starting a romantic relationship but in this case, they are 25 and 29 when they meet and either one, it would never had been the career-ruining scandal it was made out to be or two, a chance meeting at a country club for two hours would have been an incident easily written off as they find new partners. The whole thing was just odd. I also immediately foresaw how they were going to overcome the stepsibling thing so I knew all the drama was for nothing. 

I will say that bout 2/3 into the book, Chloe comes in the possession of an adorable bulldog name Pierre and while I loved him dearly, I clearly questioned his life expectancy because Chloe couldn't take care of herself, let alone a dog.

Overall, this was a quick, mindless read and I'm glad I picked it for a light break.  I will continue to look out for new releases from this author and hope the next in this series, which was foreshadowed in this installment, turns out better.


Friday, March 7, 2025

2 Bloggers 1 Series - White Night (Dresden Files #9)


Well Stormi and I are at it once again. I can't believe I have been reading this series consistently for nine months now.  It's both exciting and overwhelming as there are still many more to go.  So read on for my thoughts on this next installment and then hop over to Stormi's for hers.  


TITLE: White Night (Dresden Files #9)
AUTHOR: Jim Butcher
PUBLISHING DATE: February 5, 2008
PAGES: 244   
SOURCE: Library

FROM GOODREADS: Someone is targeting the members of the city’s supernatural underclass—those who don’t possess enough power to become full-fledged wizards. Some have vanished. Others appear to be victims of suicide. But now the culprit has left a calling card at one of the crime scenes—a message for Harry Dresden. 
Harry sets out to find the apparent serial killer, but his investigation turns up evidence pointing to the one suspect he cannot possibly believe guilty: his half-brother, Thomas. To clear his brother’s name, Harry rushes into a supernatural power struggle that renders him outnumbered, outclassed, and dangerously susceptible to temptation. And Harry knows that if he screws this one up, people will die—and one of them will be his brother...

MY THOUGHTS: Harry, Harry, Harry.  Sometimes I don't know what else to say. I'm amazed that we are already done with book nine and he isn't dead yet.  In fact, I am amazed more of his cronies and sidekicks haven't been murdered, blown up or zapped permanently into the Nevernever yet.  Oh, I am utterly amazed that Mouse, the amazing dog sidekick/assistant has lived this long.  If Mouse dies, I will riot!

In this installment, someone is basically going around several states killing supernaturals and primarily witches. Some think it's Harry, Harry fears it might be his brother, and Molly, his new young apprentice just wants in on the action.  Harry ends up teaming up with Murphy (can we kiss already please!) an ex-girlfriend, Elaine and Chicago's leading crime boss to find out what is really going on and what vampire order is behind it.  Because seriously, there always seems to be a vampire order behind things.

Once again, I found this to be a fast-paced read full of action, wonderful banter between Harry and about everyone at some time or another, and interaction with some of my favorite side characters.  Molly is trying to learn everything she needs to in order to stay alive, Murphy wants to help because she and Harry have become solid friends and fears for the state of her city and Harry's life, and Thomas, Harry's half-brother and vampire.  The mysteries in the books seem to get more and more complex as the books continue and I am never bored. In fact, each book just makes me more and more exciting to pick up the next book. 

If you are a fan of urban fantasy, please give this series a shot.  Be ready for a long commitment if you find yourself loving them but they are definitely worth the ride.  



Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Feed Your TBR - The Late-Night Witches


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

August 19, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: Cassie Beckett’s life is anything but magical. With a wild younger sister, three unruly kids, and an absent husband, she’s really not looking forward to the witching month of October. At least the gorgeous, foggy Prince Edward Island is always quiet.

That is, until the vampires arrive.

As the creatures sink their teeth into Cassie’s tenuous grip on normalcy, she’s forced to come face-to-face with long–disregarded family secrets. The legacy gifts her with power, but also a lofty rid the island of vampires, or let them win. (Both options suck, in more ways than one.)

Armed with her family, newfound friends, and a baby in a spectacularly garlicky onesie, Cassie must learn what it is to be a witch and how to fight for what she loves before time runs out. Because on Halloween night, the stakes will be higher than ever before...and it’s up to Cassie to finish what the witches that came generations before her started.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT: This sounds like the perfect, lighter Halloween need and hey, with both vampires and witches, it's hard to go wrong.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Coming Attractions


Welcome back to my monthly feature where I showcase some of what you might see appearing at Booker T's Farm during the upcoming month.  Of the twelve books I featured in February, I ended up finishing six of them but then picked up some other things, so it wasn't a bad month.  

I have two carryovers from last month.  My Funny Demon Valentine is a physical book I own, and I only got about 50 pages in, but I am finding it quite enjoyable.  Plus, the next one comes out toward the end of this month, and I may have already preordered it, so I do need to get it done.  I should finish White Night on the day this post goes live. 

I have three library books I want to get to in March.  I've already finished the Gilmore Girls one which was cute, and I should review shortly.  I also might have already started Our Winter Monster and I'm LOVING it. 

I have several ARCs I want to get to this month.  Buffalo Hunter Hunter is really my main March ARC and the other three are ones I am wanting to get a jump on for April.  

And finally, I have two buddy reads and an online horror book club read this month,

Are any of these on your TBR this month?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Farm News - March 1, 2025

 Well, it's been three weeks since the last Farm News and somehow, it feels like months.  I really wish Spring would arrive with fresh starts, better weather and a bit of peace and quiet! 

So, last I wrote, Mom had fallen and fractured her pelvis in several areas.  She was released from the hospital February 6th, and even that was ordeal.  Her boyfriend had to make a quick pitstop to get something he didn't really need and his van wouldn't start back up.  I ended up having to take her home (about a 30-minute trip), but she was in so much pain and couldn't move well so it took about 20 minutes to get her in my vehicle and then about 20 minutes to get her back out and across the railroad tracks to her cabin by the river.  I wanted to kill him, but he has been great helping her out, so I'll give him a pass this time.  She is healing nicely and is able to walk much better and should go back to work around the 18th of March.

And just when I thought things might have calmed down, I got a call from my mom this past Thursday morning saying my grandpa's house was on fire.  Some may recall I inherited half ownership of his house with he passed three years ago with my Stupid Uncle (SU).  It was a long battle, and he eventually let my cousins move in under the guise they would buy it after a year.  That never happened, they never paid rent and now they somehow managed to burn it to a total loss.  I haven't spoken to SU in several years but am waiting to hear from him I am sure because the insurance payout will be in both of our names, and he will need me for something.  I am devastated that my grandfather's house is gone because he built it himself when he moved from Michigan in the early 60s.  However, this may be the chance to get away from SU completely and take my part of the insurance money and sign the property over to him.  I don't know what caused the fire yet but my cousins are idiots, so the possibilities are endless.  None of the family was home when it happened so at least everyone is safe.  I'm not THAT heartless and am glad about that.

Reading this month was just okay.  I feel like I was in a slump even though I read all month long.  Monday I will be posting a "Coming Attractions" for March and Tuesday should be my review of the next Dresden Files book providing I can finish it this weekend. I will close by sharing some of the arcs I've received lately which I am grateful for and can't wait to read.  Click on the title to hop over to Goodreads to learn more if you are interested. 

Spider to the Fly: J.K. Markert
No Rest for the Wicked: Rachel Louise Adams 
The October Film Haunt: Michael Wehunt

You've Awoken Her: Ann Davila Cardinal
Smile for the Cameras: Miranda Smith 
The Feeding: Anthony Ryan

What About the Bodies: Ken Jaworowski
Girl in the Creek: Wendy N. Wagner

Bad Creek: Peyton June
Darling Beasts: Michelle Gabe

Well, if you've stuck around to the end, thanks for visiting Booker T's Farm.  Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend no matter where you are!