Friday, May 18, 2018

Weekly Reads (05/18/18)

So it has been a hot week at The Farm and I definitely think we've skipped Spring.  Oh well, at least it's not snow!  We celebrated Booker T's birthday on Wednesday and fun was had by all.  As you I am sure you've figured out, both Booker T and Cass were pretty spoiled.

We ended up finishing "The Rain" on Netflix this week and we basically thought it was okay.  There were definitely some really annoying characters.  If it is renewed, I'm sure we'll continue.  I will add that Mr. Barb disliked it more than I did.  We also watched "Black Panther" and can finally see what all the hype is about.  I did love it and am sure I'll watch it again eventually.  

So I have been getting a lot of reading done on weekends.  I've become a multiple book reader (I think in part thanks to my Buddy Read with Maria) and now I can't focus on one book at a time.  For now it's working but I don't know if the pace will continue.  Here's what I'd like to knock out this weekend.  "MEG" is pretty long because it combines a prequel novella (?- maybe it's a whole Origins book-length?) in with it.  I can say I am enjoying both of these though.  All in all I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some deaths in my reading future!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Booker T says thanks for all the birthday wishes!


  1. I think you do have to spoil the furry guys...dogs just give you unconditional love and don't want much in return. I'm glad you all enjoyed Booker T's birthday!

    1. He had a blast and this past Sunday, we took him and Cass shopping at the pet store and Daddy spoiled them some more. I hope to post some pictures of the toys they each picked out next Friday!

  2. I'm reading three books at the moment which I NEVER do, but one is slow so I needed a break, and the other is short stories and I don't like reading those all at once. Well see how it goes...

    1. Right now I'm struggling with two. They are both good but I honestly feel like I'm getting nowhere.

  3. Happy birthday Booker T!! I'm a multi book reader, too. I don't think I was before I became a blogger, but I'm in the middle of way too many right now.

    1. It worked well for a while but now I feel like I just need to finish something so I feel like I am getting something accomplished!

  4. Oh my gosh Meg! I may need that before the movie comes... and happy birthday Booker T!!!

    1. I'm 50% in and really enjoying it. If you grab a copy, get the newest one because it has the Origins novella at the beginning which helps fill in some of the backstory. Don't summer and sharks go hand in hand?

  5. Meg looks fun! I have read one of the later books in the series, and I've been meaning to go back to the first book.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I am really liking and the movie trailer looks like a great summer creature feature.

  6. So glad you enjoyed Black Panther. My son bought it on VUDU so I will hopefully get a chance to watch it again.

    I don't read multiple books very often. Right now I am listening to a Harry Potter book on audio and reading a book and that isn't horrible because I know the HP story so well. Sometimes if I am reading a very long book like an Outlander book, I will read another book at the same time. Have a great week.

    1. I really wish I liked audio books but they don't work for me very well. Yea we bought a digital copy of The Black Panther so I bet I will rewatch it soon as well.

  7. I'm so excited for Undead Girl Gang. I might actually buy that one because I sent my hold to the wrong library, and now there are, like, 9 people ahead of me. Lol. Good to know r.e. The Rain. I feel like I'm so picky about series because I just don't spend a lot of time watching tv. Happy reading!
    I'm hoping to get to the Disappearance very soon. My least favorite adaptation is Ready Player One. That may be because it is fresh in my mind, but I seriously detested it so much. Lol. Happy reading!

    1. I am liking it but I need to get through it because I have some more library books on the way to get to! I think you'll like it. I've not seen very many bad reviews about it.
