Monday, July 9, 2018

June Monthly Wrap-Up (Removing That Month From the Calendar!)

So I knew June was going to be a bad month reading wise but I could have sworn I read more that what I have documented.  I know I still have two reviews I need to do to catch up but seems like I read more.  Maybe with as crazy as June was though, I should just be happy with what I did achieve.  I already think July is shaping up better.  And oh, I'm ignoring the Goodreads mocking!  I don't care how far behind I am right now :)  So on with the recap (and I hope to get the challenge statistics caught up by tomorrow).

To Kill a Kingdom: Alexandra Christo 3/5
Jurassic Florida: Hunter Shea 4/5
The Coffin Maker: Breeann Allison 5/5
The Wild Inside: Jamey Bradbury 2/5
The Intermission: Elyssa Friedland 3/5
So Close to Being the Sh*t, Y'all Don't Even Know: Retta 5/5

So even my reading had a "meh" month.  But don't worry guys!  Stephen King is single-handedly saving July, one page at a time.  My favorite June read had to be "The Coffin Maker" and of course my least fave was "The Wild Inside." 

I've said it once and I'll say it again, thank heavens that month is over!


  1. I read like 5 books in June. In May I think I read like 35. So it was a huge jump down for me, and it made me sad.

    Jurassic Florida looks interesting!

    1. That's a big jump but my Gosh, 35? That's awesome! June just sucked overall for me.

  2. I'm sorry you didn't like To Kill a Kingdom! It's been on my list for awhile now. I was having a meh month this month until I read Silver Silence by Nalini Singh. It saved me, lol. I hope your next read is phenomenal!

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. It was okay, just not a fave. I don't think I really liked any of the MCs much which didn't help.

  3. I had a bit of an odd June as well. I still can't wait to get my hands on Jurassic Florida!!

    1. Yes, such a fun read. But I really NEED a movie of it.

  4. I hate that stupid Goodreads thing telling you about being behind. They keep emailing me about being ahead or behind despite me being unsubscribed from all emails!

    1. I know. It's bad enough they mock you whenever you sign on but they started with the emails this year which was just plain WRONG!

  5. I’m trying to ignore Goodreads, too. April, May, and June were rough for me, and I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up on the reading I missed. I’m glad you’re enjoying Stephen King! I haven’t read any of his books yet this year and miss him.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Outcast is so good. I didn't expect to love it as much as I did.

  6. I kind of felt the same way about the month of May - that being said June also didn't really go to plan.
    July is shaping up better for me too :D

  7. oh you too??? Sorry to hear June sucked for you as well :( I also think July is shaping up better! Let's be reading beasts again! And let's give it up for KING The Savior! :)

    1. I'm all for being reading beasts again.

  8. How many books do you typically read in a month?
