Sunday, September 10, 2023

Farm News - September 9, 2023


Hope everyone has had a great week.  Things here are fine.  We had a couple of really hot days again, but this weekend should lead way to a cool down and I'm all for it.  Apollo is still having a few issues with his "arm."  Nothing major at this point, just keeping an eye on it.  He is completely oblivious to his hover-mother's worrying and doesn't understand why daily I tell him I am wrapping him in bubble wrap.

We've watched quite a few movies lately in between the football games.  Meg 2: The Trench was decent.  I love shark films, but I have to admit the first one was better.  And spoiler alert - the dog lives. The Boogeyman, a recent King release, was much, much better than I originally anticipated and I would recommend it to any King or horror fan in general.  And finally, most recently we watched The Last Voyage of the Demeter. This movie gets all the stars despite... spoiler, the dog dies in the one.  It was a wonderful scary vampire tale set at sea and this vamp is nasty - no sparkles at all!

I feel like I'm in the middle of reading too many books. I'm not a big multi-reader but do dabble from time to time.  Stormi and I are doing a 2-month long buddy read of It, so I need to average about 130 pages a week to get that finished on time.  So far, I'm on schedule.  Jackaby is another buddy read and I'm enjoying it a lot and it is sending out lots of Fall vibes.  And I had to work a romance in for a break with all the horror and thriller books I've been reading so I started Chase Me.  Tessa Bailey is a newfound fave and I find her books to be quick, fun reads.

Friday was double points for Kindle Rewards and since it coincided with payday, I grabbed a few books I had my eyes on.  It Found Us is for a Middle Grade readathon in October, There's No Way I'd Die First is for a horror book club pick on a Facebook group in October, and The Beast Keepers is just because I was curious.  

Well, that's about all on this end.  Pro football starts this week so we will see how the Steelers and the Bengals fare.  Last week all three of our favorite college teams won - Georgia, Marshall and Florida State.  Hope this week is just as good.  

So are you reading anything good?  Any movies I need to add to the watch list?


  1. It seems like I've been reading nothing but horror and I'm getting to the point where I need a break, lol. I honestly wish I could read more than one book at a time, but it usually backfires on my and I have trouble finishing anything! Have a good week, Barb😁

  2. We had very warm weather here as well this week and i am ready for some cooler temperatures. I hope you're enjoying your current reads and don't get too uncomfortable reading too many at the same time. I like reading multiple books at once, but I vary where and when I read them. Have a great week!

  3. Looks like you've got a good range of books to read - and we're Seahawks fans and we're sure interested in how our season will go this year...... Go Hawks! :) Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  4. You are reading and watching a lot. We tend to view some different genres, at least I don't read horror mostly. I'm just glad it is cooling down so I can do more outdoor work.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. I want to see Demeter and I want to see The Meg 2 even though I know it's apparently not as good as the first one. :)

  6. I've been seeing Jackaby everywhere lately, now I need to check it out! The Last Voyage of the Demeter is on my movie list, just hoping the new movie price goes down before I HAVE to see it. Thanks for the heads up about the dog dying... I absolutely hate when an animal dies in a movie. Sometimes that's a "turn the movie off now" . Have a great week! Suzanne@Chick with Books

  7. Yeah, I liked the first Meg movie best, but I was happy to see at least a few things from the second book did make it into the second movie. I loved the book series back when it was first coming out. I need to see the Last Voyage of the Demeter, but thanks for the warning about the dog in that one! And I do still need to watch The Boogeyman. Hope you have a good week and that Apollo gets all the way better!

  8. Yes, the new Lindsay Currie book! I can't wait to read that one next month it's on my list along with a ton of other middle grade spooky lol. :)

  9. I skipped this week's Kindle Rewards deal since I couldn't think of anything that I want to buy. I need to start reading what I bought on other deal days. I'm a half-hearted NFL fan and sort of follow the Vikings. I get more interested once the baseball season is over. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. I never mind a spoiler alert when it comes to animals. I don't know if I will ever see the Meg movies, but it's good to know in case I do. We went to see The Haunted Mansion this weekend, which I liked more than I expected. My husband was meh about it and my daughter loved it. My mom came along with us and I am not sure she enjoyed it much at all--but it was the best option for a child friendly movie playing at the theater that we hadn't seen yet. We are huge fans of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland though, and so it was fun to see the tie in to the ride throughout the movie. Even my husband could appreciate that. :-)

    I hope you hare enjoying your reading! What do you think of IT? I have read several of King's books, but not that one. Both Chase Me and Jackaby interest me.

    Have a great week, Barb, and enjoy your reading!

  11. It's been so long since I read Stephen King. I used to read everything he wrote as soon as it was released. I should go back to them someday. I hope you have a great week!

  12. I feel like I need a break from horror too, it's been like 75-80% of all my reads since the summer. I didn't plan it that way, it just seems like it's a big genre this year.

  13. I hope Apollo's arm heals quickly! I'm super excited for cooler weather and spooky books. Have a great week.

  14. I'm glad Apollo's bite is getting better. At least I hope it's his bite and not another boo boo. I'm commenting backwards as usual. 😛
