Sunday, November 19, 2023

Farm News 11-19-23

 So, I didn't get an update last week.  It kind of turned into a crazy weekend but nothing bad.  Having a puppy is keeping us on our toes.  Also, Mr. Barb decided he wanted us (read me) to try to make the old-fashioned school cafeteria rolls - if you know you know.  I have never made bread from scratch in my whole life, so it was an experience.  The first batch he rated 4/10 which I think was generous and the second was 8/10 which I am taking as a win.  Let's see if I can replicate that success for Thanksgiving.  

Zeke and Apollo are doing fine.  Zeke is due for his next set of boosters on Tuesday and I'm anxious to see how much he is weighing now.  I swear, we've only had him a month today and he looks nothing like the puppy we brought home.  Apollo loves him so much and is so patient with him.  He really was meant to be a big brother and I'm so glad we've made it happen for him. 

I've been reading some but feel like I've really slowed down since October.  I am in the middle of my Ho! Ho! Ho! readathon right now and just started The Twelve Dogs of Christmas.  I'm also about 25% into the John Stamos memoir and just started Ghostly Bones.

It's also been a while since I've shared any ARCs I've acquired so there are from the past few months.  I will just list them below the pics and link the titles to the Goodreads pages in case you want to check them out further.

Death at the Dog Show: Peter Boland
A Feather So Black: Lyra Selene
Pocket Dog: Jim Garland

Strange Folk: Alli Dyer
The Charmed: Kylie Fennell

As you can see, lots of good reading ahead so thanks to Netgalley and the publishers.  

So I am currently on a 9-day Stay-cation and hope to get lots of reading in.  I hope that everyone out there who celebrates Thanksgiving has lots of good times and good memories with their families - natural or found. 

Until next week!


  1. I want to read John Stamos' book too. I hope you are enjoying it! Happy Thanksgiving 🦃😊

  2. The pictures of your two dogs cuddling make me smile so much! I'm going to be watching a friend's dog for 18 days! I thought only two weeks, but with the time before she leaves and when she gets back it will be 18 days, and I'm a little nervous about what that is going to do with my free time around my house! That Pocket Dog book looks cute! Enjoy your new books and thanksgiving!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  3. I loved those old-fashioned school cafeteria rolls! I wish I could make good rolls, but bread-making and me don't mix. Enjoy your staycation, and your new puppy! I hope you have a yummy Thanksgiving. :D

  4. Puppies definitely take time away from your reading! It's starting get easier for us with Badger and we've had him about 2 months. Your boys look so cute together😁 Have a great Thanksgiving and good luck with your rolls!

  5. Wow the staycation for Thanksgiving is popular this year. I hope you enjoy with good food, good reading and relaxing. I love homemade rolls. I'm currently reading Twelve Dogs of Christmas.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  6. That puppy is growing fast! I need to get started on my #HoHoHoRat books. Your new ARCs look fun; I hope you enjoy them!

  7. Seeing those puppies makes me miss my little bichon whom we had for 14 lovely years. Have a good Thanksgiving coming up.

  8. That's such a cute pic! And happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Awww, look at the puppy! He's adorable. I hope you have a great week.

  10. Nice looking assortment of books. I've just started a stretch of reading review copies since I have bunches releasing in December and January. Enjoy your staycation and your dogs. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. Zeke and Apollo are cuties. I'm so glad they are BFFs. All those books look so good. Enjoy them. Have a great week!

  12. Zeke is getting really big! I miss the days when my puppies would curl up together. A long staycation sounds perfect, Barb!

  13. Congrats on the win with the bread! Going from 4 to 8 is quite an improvement! Sounds like you're ready to make it for Thanksgiving. Love your dogs and that they are so good together. Have a great week. :)

  14. The dogs!!!! I don't remember getting any rolls at our school lunches in Arizona. I missed out!!!!
