Monday, January 8, 2024

Farm News - January 8, 2024


It has been forever since I did an update, and I didn't get one done over the weekend, so I figured I'd go ahead and drop one today.  I haven't had a chance to do an update since Christmas or New Year's and want to make sure all my friends out there in blogging/booktube/instagram land know how much I appreciate their support and how much I look forward to continued interaction in 2024!

We had a wonderful, low-key holiday here at the farm.  Zeke enjoyed his first Christmas and Apollo enjoyed sharing the festivities with his new brother.  Both Mr. Barb and I were off for 11 days, so we shared lots of good food, video game playing, reading and watching movies/tv including our favorite Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy.  I did get some books as well as a gift card to Amazon from Mr. Barb and I look forward to reading them all.

I managed to do a lot of reading over the break and switched to holiday horror around mid-December as I really needed a break from rom-com/romance.  Now it's 2024 and I have so many books I want to get to and I want to read them all now!  Here is a look at either what I'm currently reading or what might be up next.  My Life as a White Trash Zombie is for a read along and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've missed urban fantasy so much.  The Shuddering is this month's pick for a horror book club over on Facebook and Hunt on Dark Waters is one I grabbed from the library and for some reason, it's really calling to me.

And finally, because we all need some cuteness in our lives, here is recent pic of the boys.  You can see how big Zeke is getting and I swear, he and Apollo look more and more alike each day!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and look for a new post Wednesday!


  1. I'm glad you had a nice holiday season. Great assortment of books! I'm also missing urban fantasy and will have to pull some off TBR mountain when I get a chance to read something of my own. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. What a wonderful holiday. I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying WTZ! It's horror lite. I don't do real horror. I read last week and it's always a relief for me when I enjoy a series I picked but haven't read yet. I really like it so far. I hope you'll be able to join the chat with all us weirdos. Everyone is nervous the first time.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. The boys look so cute in that picture. Sounds like you had a great holiday. Hope you have a good week! Enjoy your books!

  4. I am glad you enjoyed your holidays! Zeke is getting so big! Both he and Apollo look adorable. I hope you enjoy your new books! I am eager to read Hunt on Dark Waters that sounds fun. Have a great week, Barb. Happy New Year!

  5. 11 days is nice. Glad you had a nice holiday.

    Bookshops I need to get, I hear so many poeple loving that one!

  6. Ah, Zeke and Apollo are always so cute together! I just finished the audiobook of the White Trash Zombie and LOVED it! So glad I joined into the read along. Now to get the next books in the series on audio as well.

  7. Cute dogs! I'm glad you had a good Christmas and New Year!

  8. 11 days off sounds like bliss! Zeke is getting so big! It really is amazing how quickly puppies grow. I need to get started on my re-read of the White Trash Zombie book!

  9. I really enjoyed Lessons in Chemistry and hope that you do too Barb! Your dogs look so sweet! Have a great week.

  10. Enjoy those gifts!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  11. I'm glad you had such a nice relaxing break! The dogs are adorable, and it's so sweet that they seem to be friends. Enjoy your books this week!

  12. Thanks for the cute pic of your dogs! And happy reading all your new books. :D

  13. Happy new year! That sounds like some really good time off.

  14. Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉

    I'm happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas with Mr. Barb and the boys, and I'm super jealous you received Bookshops and Bonedust! 📘✨

    Thanks for posting a pic of Zeke and Apollo! 😍 They do look like biological brothers. 🤗
