Sunday, May 26, 2024

Farm News - May 26, 2024

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  Hope everyone has something fun planned, even if it's just a bit of peace and quiet.  Mr. Barb works Saturday and Sunday, but we have off together on Monday, but they are calling for storms.  The weather is so weird this spring and I think a lot of the US is tired of storms.  I know I am.

This has to be the strangest work week I've had since I started the job three months ago. On Wednesday, our director quit.  She only gave two weeks' notice and there is no explanation on why she chose to leave.  And she told us in an email!  She pretty much created this unit and always said it was her passion.  Our Deputy Director, who I love, was so blindsided.  She is spending every working hour trying to figure out everything our director was doing.  On Thursday, she was named Interim Acting Director.  A lot of us are hoping it turns into a permanent position for her.  On the plus side, I received notice that I passed my training I went to a few weeks ago.  Now I can participate in the stage 2 of the certification process which is the online portion.

It's been a while since I shared some Netgalley acquisitions.  As always, I'm very grateful for receiving them and am excited for them all.

Good Dogs: Brian Asman
Fang Fiction: Kate Stayman-London
I'll Be Home for Mischief: Jacqueline Frost
Mistress of Lies: K.M. Enright

We've continued our spring movie watch with Godzilla and Kong: The New Empire and LOVED it.  Kong always makes me tear up and this one was no different.  We also watched Civil War and honestly, other than the zombie aspect, it was a lot like the book I just finished, Feed by Mira Grant.  It was okay but not at all what I expected. You can tell it's an a24 movie though. There's only one more episode of Under the Bridge which will drop on Wednesday, and I can't wait to see what happens next.  We also watched Sting which was good but if you have a fear of spiders, this might not be the one for you.

That's about all I have.  Thanks for stopping by Booker T's Farm and I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. Well congrats on passing your training. It's great you like the acting director - let's hope it shakes out well.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Hope the lady gets the job and hope you training for the next part goes great! Those movies you watched sound interesting. You also got some interesting books from

  3. Congrats on passing your training! But that is weird about your director quitting like that. Makes you wonder. Hope you have a lovely Memorial Day. :D

  4. Congrats on passing your training. Good luck with the stage of training. Enjoy your books. They look good. Have a great week!

  5. Congratulations on passing your training! I also grabbed I'll Be Home for Mischief from NetGalley. I love that series so much! Wishing you a wonderful week! :)

  6. Congrats on passing the training! At my job, we had 3 people quit suddenly in the past few days. It really does create chaos. I hope you're having a great week!
