Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday - Bookish Habits

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Gingereadslainey on booktube and can also be found on goodreads.  The link is located HERE.  This week we are looking at our top 5 Bookish habits.  As usual, these are in no particular order.

I will basically pick up a fictional book to read if it has mention of anything New Orleans, or even Louisiana in general.  This can include cemeteries, gothic mansions, Bourbon Street or plantations.  The spookier, the better.

I keep on buying physical books despite the fact that the bookshelves are full, and actually, there are few locations in the home where they can be successfully added.  I have a Kindle, and while this has helped somewhat, I still buy books.

If there is a dog on the cover, whether it be a puppy, and adult, big, little or anywhere in between, chances are I will buy it or check it out.  This goes for fiction and non-fiction books.  In fact, even if there are pawprints on the cover, which even hint that there might be a dog in the book, it is usually mine.

I have a bad habit of checking out more books from the library than I know I can finish during the allotted time.  I can't help it.  If it is there, and I think I might want to read it, I usually take it home.  It does help that my library allows for 2 renewal periods which end up to 9 weeks check out time but still, it is a problem.

I basically can only read one book at a time.  If my currently reading shelf on Goodreads has more than one book on it, it usually means that I have moved on, but haven't quite given up on the last book yet and may read it eventually.

So do you share any of these habits?  Leave a comment and link so I can check out yours.


  1. I tend to use my Kindle and Kobo to grab free books or those only released on ebook or when trying a new author or series for under £1. If I love it, I grab a paperback copy for my collection! While I love having ereaders, I love the traditional book more!

    1. Yeah, a lot which are on my Kindle are there for those reasons. Although, if I see a book from my wishlist on sale as a daily deal, I will usually pick it up digitally.

  2. Love your list. Especially the library habit. I do the exact same thing. Currently I have like 5 books checked out and like 7 more on hold. And they all come in at once to pick them up. But I agree, if I see they have a copy of a book I have been excited to read I will most likely be checking it out.

    1. Whew, I am not alone. And is it an unwritten rule that all holds have to come in within 3 days of each other? It always seems to happen that way. Thanks for visiting and I am enjoyed stumbling on to your blog. Will have to visit it more often.

  3. I wish that my library were good enough to pull way too many books out of. But Guam's public library system is woeful, and they keep getting shut down.

  4. That is sad. I love using the library as a resource.

  5. I definitely agree with your second point! I have far too many books to even have in my flat. Most of them are in storage because my place isn't big enough but I just keep buying them anyway. I think it's an addiction.
