Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekly Reads (10/14/16)

Well, we survived the trip to the vet.  Booker wasn't really anxious because he had Cassius with him, or at least that's what I think and Cassius did well riding in the vehicle.  We had bought him a "carseat" because he doesn't ride in a vehicle that much and it seems to do the trick.  Cassius weighed in a 106 pounds but he has a big frame so his vet wasn't a bit worried.  It seems all our medium size dogs are on the large end of medium.

Got some reading done this week but am currently stuck on a book.  As I usually draft these posts a day ahead, hopefully by the time you read this I will be finished with it.  I'm going to go ahead and keep it on the stack of what's up next for right now.  Also, we watched the new "Tarzan" movie the other night and I thought it was so great!  And I'm not just saying that because it stars Alexander Skarsgard.  I didn't even think for once that I was watching Vampire Eric!  Caught the first episode of "Channel Zero" on SyFy and all I can say is I hope it gets better, or it's going off the DVR list sooner rather than later.  SyFy had a movie on a few weeks ago called "Crooked Man" and for a SyFy movie, which I often consider decent-but-cheesy, it was pretty good.  At least it was entertaining.  They have a bunch of new horror they made for the Halloween season (I think 4 in all).

I promise to include some Halloween decoration pics next week as a few people commented about the mantle I mentioned.  We will be carving pumpkins with the pups soon anyways.  Hope everyone had a great week and here are the books which are up next on the stack.

Yes, Shadow House is giving me fits right now, but I still have hope for it!  Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!


  1. Glad the vet trip went well! And holy crap, I just looked up the Tarzan movie, and he looks so different from True Blood!

  2. I am glad the vet trip went well. I have started Shadow House but not gotten very far, it seems right now we are just getting all the characters to the place and that is a bit boring but I hope it gets better, I have only read one other book by this author but I enjoyed it.

    I started Witches on audio (author gave me an audio since she seen I liked them!) It's been interesting so far and I am half way through (she just now is in the other century) so I am curious how the rest will go. :)

    I am the opposite of you with Tarzan, I watched because of Alexander S. and could only think that no matter how much I tried he was Vampire Eric in a jungle. :) I did enjoy the movie though. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Glad your dogs did well, it can be stressful taking them to the vet! SyFy is funny because sometimes they have really good shows on (Dark Matter and 12 Monkeys are both done well, I think) and other times... not so much. :) But they do have some fun stuff. Have fun carving the pumpkins.

    I heard Tarzan was quite good!

  4. My dog is on the large side of "toy breed" too so I know what you mean! We'll be carving our pumpkins this weekend as well, so that should be fun. Enjoy your reads!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  5. 106 is medium sized?!?! My Cookie (dog) and Sassy (cat) went to the vet this week, too. Cookie topped the scales at 38.5 pounds while Sassy was a big old 8 pounds.

    I hate feeling stuck on a book. It happens but I don't like it. I can't wait to see some of your decorations.

  6. I bet your boys enjoyed the vet as much as I did my visit to the nurse for some routine blood tests! They can do face transplants now but can't find a painless way to take blood??? *whines*
