Thursday, March 16, 2017

Time Machine Thursday - Chew Vol. 1

So this week I'm sharing with you a review for a graphic novel I recently read.  It was published in 2009 and it's been one I've wanted to read for at least the last 3 years.  I know it's quite popular and I'm really glad I made the time for this one!

TITLE: Chew, Vol. 1 - Taster's Choice
AUTHORS: John Layman & Rob Guillory
PUBLISHER: Image Comics
PUBLISHING DATE: December 8, 2009

FROM GOODREADS: Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. He's been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.

I've wanted to read this series for a long time and have even checked it out from my library once before, so when I grabbed it this time, I intended to finally make time for it and I'm glad I did. Of course, I won't lie, I was also motivated because I know there is planned released for an animated movie version with Steven Yeun (Oh why Glenn!) and I wanted to have at least started the graphic novel series before it's release.

Tony Chu, the main character, is a police detective and only one of three cibopaths left in the world - people who can ingest a substance and get a psychic sensation of what has happened to that object. As you can imagine, this is a very coveted skill to have in the detective world, even if it is a bit disgusting. In addition, Tony lives in a world where chicken of any form is contraband due to a bird flu that killed over 23 million Americans. So thing drug activities - except with chickens!

This book covers the first 5 issues of the comic book and introduces Tony, his partner and some of his family members. Tony is quickly recruited to work for the Food & Drug Administration and also meets the girl of her dreams (which is a bit of a mystery herself). "Chew, Vol. 1 " is a fast paced book full of action and information setting up the remainder of the series. The artwork is really enjoyable and I look forward to continuing on with this series.

RATING: 4 PAWS (primarily because he tastes a dead dog or maybe it would have gotten 5!)


  1. This is the coolest, weirdest premise! I can definitely see why it's stuck with you for so long.

    1. Yep and I think there are 8 or 9 total in the series so I'm interested to see where it heads.

  2. That is cool and gross at the same time...I mean ewww chew on a corpse...but I am intrigued as

  3. Yeah, this sounds weird, but in a good way! I've never heard of this, but if there's going to be a movie it must be pretty popular.

    1. I think the movie is going to be animated which should be interested. Maybe it will be on cable or something because you don't see too many animated adult movies hitting the theaters. And this is not something I can imagine parents wanting their young children to see.

  4. Does sound fun. Couldn't help but smile when I read the definition. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. It is a fun read. The art is pretty cool as well.

  5. LOL I would love to read this. Sounds like lots of laughs and I do love me some zombies. That title and the character's name cracked me up!

    1. It is pretty funny. I am interested in seeing where Vol. 2 heads and was able to grab it from the library yesterday.

  6. Oh I didn’t know about the movie! I’ll have to keep an eye. I had never heard of cibopaths either! and Chickens smuggling sounds so funny !

    1. It really is hilarious. And since chicken is the most eaten meat in our home, I find it really humorous. I really can't imagine a world where chicken is illegal.

  7. Very original and a little weird- which sounds fun! Ha ha I'm not familiar with this one but now I'm intrigued! And chicken as contraband- love it!

    1. If you like graphic novels at all, you should really check it out.

  8. Sounds interesting. I haven't really branched off into graphic novels yet but I may have to pick this up one of these days. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I like them as light reads in between bigger books. I didn't really read any until about 2 weeks ago. Problem is, there are really expensive when they only take about 2 hours to read or less. That's why I grab most of mine from my libraries.
