Tuesday, May 9, 2017

TTT - I Want More of These in Books!

This top 10 weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and can be found HERE.  Each week they focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.  This week I am sharing with things I want more of in books.

1.  More adult/YA horror - it's one of my favorite genres and although there seems to be more than there used to be, basically there's never enough!

2.  Cheaper/more reasonable graphic novels - I know it has to cost a lot of produce some of these but for the time it takes me to read them, I can rarely justify spending big bucks on them.  Then I have to wait for my library ones to get the ones in I want to read which is a lesson in patience.

3.  More dogs in cozy mysteries - I've been lucky enough to find a few but face it, it's usually cats.  We want to know why?

4.  More books by my favorite authors - Stephen King, Joe Hill, Rachel Vincent, Denise Swanson and Lucy Dillon to name a few.  Please write faster!!!

5.  More books set in New Orleans - one of my favorite locations for paranormal, horror and mystery books.

6.  Similar to #5, how about more set in London as well.

7.  Please let kick-ass females in urban fantasy be dressed to do the jobs they're doing.  No one can battle demons if they are worried about their clothes falling off.  Here is an example of a sensibly dressed heroine in my opinion.

8.  More parents in YA books - come on, I have no problem reading YA if it's something I want and I don't think people should ever be criticized for what they read, but my parents seemed to be EVERYWHERE when I was a teen,  Apparently that doesn't happen in the fiction world.

9.  More series covers that match.  I am not as hung up on this as some, but if it's a series I love and one I'm collecting, PLEASE don't change the covers so they don't all match!

10.  More romance books with fewer long haired, cheesy, half-naked men on the cover.  I don't mind long hair and nice looking men but can't stand cheesiness!!!! (see what I did here, I TOTALLY turned a "want more" post into a "want less" one.  Sneaky huh?)

I can't wait to see everyone's lists this week because I'm sure I forgot some very important wants here!!!


  1. I'm not sure if I've ever read a book set in New Orleans (well, maybe some of the True Blood books?), but maybe I should seek one out! I visited there several years ago and totally want to go back for the amazing food!

    1. How awesome - I would love to visit there. The True Blood books are in Louisiana and is actually a series I completed - YAY!

  2. Yeah, I really want to read more graphic novels, but they're so expensive. At the same time, I understand since drawing all that art cannot be easy and must take a lot of time.

    And lol yeah, it's so stupid when the MC is wearing, like, a sports bra to battle demons. Really? Is having all that skin exposed really the smartest idea?

    1. I think I own three, maybe four. It's just so hard to spend that much money on them. I LOVE the Saga series and still only get them from the library. Now, I'm waiting for them to get more of The Chew series.

  3. I agree with quite a few of your points. I get irritated by this urge to have half naked men and women on every urban fantasy series I look at. I've got the series match thing on my TTT and of course there should be more dogs than cats in ALL books! I don't personally read graphic novels but I do agree the price is way too high.

    1. Yes I thought our lists were quite similar this week.

    2. I agree. I don't like to see half naked anybody on a UF novel because most of the time it is completely out of character with the main character/storyline. But I'll take all the nakedness with my romances please ;)

  4. Yes to parents in YA. Especially in fantasy it seems most the characters are street hardened orphans.

  5. I definitely agree with more reasonably priced graphic novels. For something that I can read within an hour, it takes a lot of contemplation before I buy a graphic novel: I'd much rather pay a smaller amount for a book that's going to keep me entertained for days and weeks.

  6. I love #7 And #8! Couldn't agree more. The lack of parents in some YA is alarming!

    1. I know. It makes you wonder how some of the characters were created - maybe they were hatched. Now that would be a YA book I'd want to pick up!

  7. More practical women in urban fantasy (and other genres) is a great one. Magic Bites is on my TBR.
    My TTT Reading Wishlist

    1. So many people like that series so I should probably check it out.

  8. Great list, Barb. LOL, I'm totally with you until the last one. I want more long hair, naked chests and those old cheesy clinch covers! But I'm probably a perv ;)

    I feel the lack of parents in YA is lazy writing. It allows the characters free reign to go out and save the world or do things they shouldn't be doing or they use a dead parent as an excuse to behave badly. It's a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

  9. Yes to all of these - and just what the heck does happen to all the parents in YA novels - they're all mysteriously absent - I think that could be a book in the making right there 'Where did the parents disappear to' - they're all on a long holiday sipping G&Ts.
    Lynn :D

    1. Great concept for a book. And I've come up with another - pod kids or kids who were hatched. Hey, anything is possible.

  10. I couldn't agree more with your list Barb! more horror please Nothing like New Orleans NOTHING. Spookyland! girls are the best demon slayers and now that I'm a parent I'm seriously pissed at we parents disappearing in all YA books!

    1. Yep, once you have kids, there seems to be no plot for you.

  11. I laughed at number 10. I don't read romance, but admittedly I probably would try more of it if all the covers didn't look the same. I swear I can tell right away whenever a major romance publisher updates their netgalley uploads because suddenly my whole screen is filled with naked male torsos.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I have an inkling I know the publisher you're thinking about.

  12. I hear you on the graphic novels. I just joined ComiXology recently and that has helped, that and the fact that they are cheaper on the Kindle sometimes than physical copies... but still. And I love books set in London!

    #s 7 and 8 too- so true.

    LOL at that "do not like" GIF.. heh

    1. I have difficulty reading graphic novels on a tablet so I don't think something like that would be for me.

  13. Great list! Love #7 and yes, for sure on #3! (Why IS it always cats??) THe hubs and I have a fantasy where when he retires we'll co-write a mystery series based on a former policewoman turned PI who travels around in her RV w/ her German Shepherd (a former police dog) solving crimes that occur in national parks and what not. So if you can hang in there for that.... :)
