Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Feed Your TBR - The Late-Night Witches


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

August 19, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: Cassie Beckett’s life is anything but magical. With a wild younger sister, three unruly kids, and an absent husband, she’s really not looking forward to the witching month of October. At least the gorgeous, foggy Prince Edward Island is always quiet.

That is, until the vampires arrive.

As the creatures sink their teeth into Cassie’s tenuous grip on normalcy, she’s forced to come face-to-face with long–disregarded family secrets. The legacy gifts her with power, but also a lofty rid the island of vampires, or let them win. (Both options suck, in more ways than one.)

Armed with her family, newfound friends, and a baby in a spectacularly garlicky onesie, Cassie must learn what it is to be a witch and how to fight for what she loves before time runs out. Because on Halloween night, the stakes will be higher than ever before...and it’s up to Cassie to finish what the witches that came generations before her started.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT: This sounds like the perfect, lighter Halloween need and hey, with both vampires and witches, it's hard to go wrong.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Coming Attractions


Welcome back to my monthly feature where I showcase some of what you might see appearing at Booker T's Farm during the upcoming month.  Of the twelve books I featured in February, I ended up finishing six of them but then picked up some other things, so it wasn't a bad month.  

I have two carryovers from last month.  My Funny Demon Valentine is a physical book I own, and I only got about 50 pages in, but I am finding it quite enjoyable.  Plus, the next one comes out toward the end of this month, and I may have already preordered it, so I do need to get it done.  I should finish White Night on the day this post goes live. 

I have three library books I want to get to in March.  I've already finished the Gilmore Girls one which was cute, and I should review shortly.  I also might have already started Our Winter Monster and I'm LOVING it. 

I have several ARCs I want to get to this month.  Buffalo Hunter Hunter is really my main March ARC and the other three are ones I am wanting to get a jump on for April.  

And finally, I have two buddy reads and an online horror book club read this month,

Are any of these on your TBR this month?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Farm News - March 1, 2025

 Well, it's been three weeks since the last Farm News and somehow, it feels like months.  I really wish Spring would arrive with fresh starts, better weather and a bit of peace and quiet! 

So, last I wrote, Mom had fallen and fractured her pelvis in several areas.  She was released from the hospital February 6th, and even that was ordeal.  Her boyfriend had to make a quick pitstop to get something he didn't really need and his van wouldn't start back up.  I ended up having to take her home (about a 30-minute trip), but she was in so much pain and couldn't move well so it took about 20 minutes to get her in my vehicle and then about 20 minutes to get her back out and across the railroad tracks to her cabin by the river.  I wanted to kill him, but he has been great helping her out, so I'll give him a pass this time.  She is healing nicely and is able to walk much better and should go back to work around the 18th of March.

And just when I thought things might have calmed down, I got a call from my mom this past Thursday morning saying my grandpa's house was on fire.  Some may recall I inherited half ownership of his house with he passed three years ago with my Stupid Uncle (SU).  It was a long battle, and he eventually let my cousins move in under the guise they would buy it after a year.  That never happened, they never paid rent and now they somehow managed to burn it to a total loss.  I haven't spoken to SU in several years but am waiting to hear from him I am sure because the insurance payout will be in both of our names, and he will need me for something.  I am devastated that my grandfather's house is gone because he built it himself when he moved from Michigan in the early 60s.  However, this may be the chance to get away from SU completely and take my part of the insurance money and sign the property over to him.  I don't know what caused the fire yet but my cousins are idiots, so the possibilities are endless.  None of the family was home when it happened so at least everyone is safe.  I'm not THAT heartless and am glad about that.

Reading this month was just okay.  I feel like I was in a slump even though I read all month long.  Monday I will be posting a "Coming Attractions" for March and Tuesday should be my review of the next Dresden Files book providing I can finish it this weekend. I will close by sharing some of the arcs I've received lately which I am grateful for and can't wait to read.  Click on the title to hop over to Goodreads to learn more if you are interested. 

Spider to the Fly: J.K. Markert
No Rest for the Wicked: Rachel Louise Adams 
The October Film Haunt: Michael Wehunt

You've Awoken Her: Ann Davila Cardinal
Smile for the Cameras: Miranda Smith 
The Feeding: Anthony Ryan

What About the Bodies: Ken Jaworowski
Girl in the Creek: Wendy N. Wagner

Bad Creek: Peyton June
Darling Beasts: Michelle Gabe

Well, if you've stuck around to the end, thanks for visiting Booker T's Farm.  Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend no matter where you are!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

2 Bloggers 1 Series - Deep Midnight (Alliance Vampires #3)


This month Stormi and I continued our series read of the Alliance Vampires series by Shannon Drake (aka Heather Graham).  I have to admit, this book almost broke me and not in a good way.  Read on for my thoughts and then hop over to Stormi's at Storm Reads to see hers.  


TITLE: Deep Midnight (Alliance Vampires #3)
AUTHOR:  Shannon Drake aka Heather Graham
PUBLISHING DATE: September 1, 2001
PAGES: 480   
SOURCE: Library

FROM GOODREADS: The Hour When Dreams Turn Into Nightmares... 
An opulent Carnivale ball in Venice takes a terrifying turn for book critic Jordan Riley. As festivity turns into frenzy, she is rescued by a powerful man disguised as a wolf. But was what she witnessed really just the evening's entertainment--or something far more sinister? 
...And Pleasure Beckons From Beyond 
From a de-consecrated church in Venice to a secret society in New Orleans, Jordan is led on a nightmare journey to the razor's edge of reality. Her mysterious savior is always a shadow behind her. A man whose closeness will both torment and tantalize her as darkness falls--and an eternal hunger threatens to consume her.

MY THOUGHTS: Man, I really struggled with this book.  One of the major problems was that it started out so similarly to book two that I had to check several times to make sure I hadn't already read it.  

Jordan is in Venice to attend Carnivale with her cousin Jared and his wife Cindy.  One night they attend an elite party at the home of an infamous Contessa. Jordan ends up on the wrong floor of the villa and witnesses a horrific scene of blood and death.  She ends up being saved by a mysterious man but no one believes her and everyone claims it was an elaborate staged act.  Strange things continue to happen and Jordan keeps being haunted by her dead fiancé, a cop in the States that was killed while investigating a local cult.  Jordan continues to experience strange things and is soon being followed by a mysterious man named Ragnor.  Is inviting Ragnor into her life inviting something more than she bargained for?

This book really dragged for me.  I found Jordan to be an annoying character as she knew situations were dangerous and she kept doing stupid things. Oh, there is a head in the canal.  Let's go investigate after dark. Oh, I don't trust this man and believe he is behind the murders no one believed I saw so let's sleep with him. I will say there was a twist at the end which totally caught me off guard and that is the only thing which brought the rating up a point.  Also, it took over 300 pages for the connection to the first two books in the series to be made.  

I think this book could have been about 100 pages shorter or maybe not added to series at all.  I am interested to see where book 4 leads but honestly, after this one, and not in too much of a hurry to find out.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Feed Your TBR - Play Nice


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

September 9, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: Clio Louise Barnes leads a picture-perfect life as a stylist and influencer, but beneath the glossy veneer she harbors a not-so glamorous secret: she grew up in a haunted house. Well, not haunted. Possessed. After Clio’s parent’s messy divorce, her mother, Alex, moved Clio and her sisters into a house occupied by a demon. Or so Alex claimed. That’s not what Clio’s sisters remember or what the courts determined when they stripped Alex of custody after she went off the deep end. But Alex was insistent; she even wrote a book about her experience in the house.

After Alex’s sudden death, the supposedly possessed house passes to Clio and her sisters. Where her sisters see childhood trauma, Clio sees an opportunity for house flipping content. Only, as the home makeover process begins, Clio discovers there might be some truth to her mother’s claims. As memories resurface and Clio finally reads her mother’s book, the presence in the house becomes more real, and more sinister, revealing ugly truths that threaten to shake Clio’s beautiful life to its very foundation.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT: When I saw this cover yesterday, I knew I had to feature it this week. I love haunted house stories, and that cover is STUNNING!  Of course it is primarily purple which doesn't hurt.  I need to know more about the alleged demon that lives there too!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Buried by Books #8


Welcome to another edition where share why I'm feeling overwhelmed and "buried" by books.  Today, instead of sharing Libby holds and KU want-to-read lists, I'm actually sharing three recent physical books I placed on hold at my local library and just picked up a few days ago.  I'm planning on making these three a priority in March - at least I hope to. 

Our Winter Monster: Dennis Mahoney - I've wanted to read this one since I first heard of it.  I already gave the first few chapters a try and they sucked me right in.  I only put it down due to other priorities in February so I can't wait to pick it up again.

Mask of the Deer Woman: Laurie L. Dove - I love Indigenous tales and this will be a perfect addition to my March reads where I plan on reading The Buffalo Hunter Hunter.

Mirror Lake (Shady Hollow #3): Juneau Black - I feel in love with this quirky cozy mystery series last summer, or maybe even the summer before.  All the characters are animals and it's hard to put into words how much I love it but come on, animals solving mysteries!

Have you read any of these?  If so, let me know if you've enjoyed them.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Feed Your TBR - Girl Dinner


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

October 21, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: Every member of The House, the most exclusive sorority on campus, and all its alumni, are beautiful, high-achieving, and universally respected.

After a freshman year she would rather forget, sophomore Nina Kaur knows being one of the chosen few accepted into The House is the first step in her path to the brightest possible future. Once she's taken into their fold, the House will surely ease her fears of failure and protect her from those who see a young woman on her own as easy prey.

Meanwhile, adjunct professor Dr. Sloane Hartley is struggling to return to work after accepting a demotion to support her partner's new position at the cutthroat University. After 18 months at home with her newborn daughter, Sloane's clothes don’t fit right, her girl-dad husband isn’t as present as he thinks he is, and even the few hours a day she's apart from her child fill her psyche with paralyzing ennui. When invited to be The House’s academic liaison, Sloane enviously drinks in the way the alumnae seem to have it all, achieving a level of collective perfection that Sloane so desperately craves.

As Nina and Sloane each get drawn deeper into the arcane rituals of the sisterhood, they learn that living well comes with bloody costs. And when they are finally invited to the table, they will have to decide just how much they can stomach in the name of solidarity and power

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  This is the author's first adult horror and dare I say, vampires?  That's all I need to know.