Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Feed Your TBR - The Parliament


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. 

January 16, 2024

FROM GOODREADS: The Birds meets The Princess Bride in this tale of friendship, responsibility, and the primal force of nature.

“Murder owls are extreme,” Jude said. “What’s more extreme than murder owls?”

Madeleine Purdy is stuck in her hometown library.

When tens of thousands of owls descend on the building, rending and tearing at anyone foolish enough to step outside, Mad is tasked with keeping her students safe, and distracted, while they seek a solution to their dilemma.

Perhaps they’ll find the inspiration they seek in her favorite childhood book, The Silent Queen….

With food and fresh water in low supply, the denizens of the library will have to find a way out, and soon, but the owls don’t seem to be in a hurry to leave…

The Parliament is a story of grief and missed opportunities, but also of courage and hope.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  This author is from WV which initially is what caught my attention.  However, once I read the synopsis, it sounds just quirky enough for me and I love the idea of killer owls. 



  1. I'm not sure how I missed this, it sounds amazing. Not sure I can squeeze anymore January releases in but I'll keep it in mind for future!

  2. This sounds good. Different from my usual books, but different is good :)

  3. Oh you have me intrigued! I hope that you enjoy this one Barb!

  4. This does sound good! I'll add it to Goodreads. 📗
