Sunday, January 21, 2024

Farm News - January 21, 2024


Major update - it's cold!  No surprise there huh?  I know people have it a lot worse than I do here, and I am in West Virginia, so I do expect winter but still.  I keep reminding myself that last year around the holidays we were in the -20 wind chill temps, and I survived.  But last year I was a year younger, and I also didn't have a puppy that needs to go out every 2 hours and who refuses to come back in when he should.  

I also celebrated my birthday this past week and took Friday off from work so I could have a celebratory three-day weekend.  Mr. Mike got me a giant birthday cookie, a boxer travel mug and some Dr. Pepper Strawberry Cream soda which is my favorite and becoming harder and harder to find.  He knows the way to my heart.  The pups love the snow though and when it wasn't too dangerous for them, we did allow them outside to play some.

I currently have three books I need to get finished by the end of January.  End of Watch is a buddy read with Stormi, I'm still reading Hunt on Dark Waters, which is good, but I just sat it down for other things, and The Devil Came Down the Mountain releases on the 30th.  I am on the Horrorsmith Publishing arc team and really want to get an honest review up for this one. I am also reading The Death of Prince Rogers Nelson: An Investigation but it's a non-fiction account of the 18-month police investigation into his death so I'm only reading it in spurts.  

I also was approved for arcs from some HIGHLY anticipated releases so it was good 2 weeks from Netgalley.  Thanks to them and all the publishers.  I will link the titles to Goodreads so you can check them out if you wish.

Legacy of Temptation: Larissa Ione
Made for You: Jenna Satterthwaite
The Gathering: C.J. Tudor
The Drowning House: Cherie Priest

And finally, I feel down the Apple TV rabbit hole with their 3-month free trial and am watching Servant.  Even Mr. Mike likes it.  We are currently on Episode 6 of Season 2.  The good thing is all four seasons have dropped and the series has ended so we can binge until our heart's content.

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.  Have a great week!


  1. Happy Birthday weekend! Lulu hates the cold so she gets to her business quickly. But she LOVES to walk so I took her when it was sunny today and not much wind. I missed you on the chat; I hope you will consider it sometime. We had long time chatters and some new blood. lol

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope your temps warm back up soon.

  3. Aw I bet the dogs are LOVING the snow lol. And hope you had a great birthday!!

  4. Puppies are cute but I don't know if I could do it again. lol. It has been so cold here and just getting my girls out on short walk has been torture. It was 30 today so they got a longer walk. Have a great week, Barb!

  5. I am so over the cold! You got some interesting books from Netgalley, hope you enjoy them. :)

  6. I love the Dr. Pepper Strawberry Cream soda too! I remember how hard it was to find at first too. Happy birthday! Of course we had the really cold weather too! Hunt on Dark Waters is one I want to read some day too. Have a great week!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope the cold weather doesn't last much longer. Your books look really good. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  8. Ooh, I would not like the cold! Which is why I stay in California, I guess.

    I am curious about the Stephen King book.

    Happy birthday!

  9. Happy birthday! I love SK and have this series on my TBR list. I really need to get to them soon. Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Happy birthday! We are currently in a 4-day warming trend which is much appreciated after the bitter cold. I still don't plan to go out anywhere though. My computer and books are inside therefore so am I. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. Happy Belated Birthday! Stay warm and have a great week! :)

  12. Happy birthday Barb! My birthday is in a few weeks and I've already requested the day off work, so I'll get a three day weekend as well. I was also approved for The Gathering, but I'm waiting on an approval for The Drowning House. My dog LOVES cold weather (he's part husky) and actually stood out in the pouring rain yesterday without batting an eye, crazy dog:-)

  13. I am cold and it's not even close to being as cold where I am as it is for most of the country. I feel for you, Barb. I hope you are staying warm! Puppies are so funny. I hope he's not forcing you to stay out in the snow too long.

    Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a nice celebration! I am glad you were able to take time off work. I try to do that too for my birthday.

    I hope you continue to enjoy your reading and have a great week, Barb!

  14. I thought I had left a comment but I don't see it here. Anyway, happy birthday Barb!!

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    I hope it warmed up and the boys got to play in the snow. ❄❄❄
