Saturday, August 3, 2019

What's Happening...(08-03-19)

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out.

I can't believe it's August already.  Where has the year gone?  I have to admit this week was pretty stressful due to some family crap plus Tuesday was my Dad's birthday which be rough depending how the day progresses.  He's been gone 6 years now. That's hard to believe too.

There hasn't been anything really worth watching lately.  We did finish "NOS4A2" and I have to admit that the last 2 episodes were better than the entire first 8 in my opinion.  I wonder what direction it will go in next year. Also, football has started!!!!  Ok, so technically it's preseason and training camp but it has me craving Fall.  

I have gotten some reading done but I have been a little slack this week.  I am currently reading "Hollow Kingdom" and guys, it's so good.  Weird but awesome.  Plus the author interacted with me on Twitter which always endears me to someone so much more - is that odd??? I need to get a graphic novel back to the library so I'll more than likely pick up "Creepshow" this weekend and then throw in another dog title for good measure.

I only got a few books for review this week which is fine because they all look super.  I was shocked to get approved for "The Deep."  Many will remember my feelings on "The Hunger" but I really did want to give the author another try.  Stormi and I are already planning a buddy read of this one.  I've been seeing "The Passengers" everywhere  and I want to give it a try. 

And on an exciting note, Stormi and I have mapped out our buddy reads for the remainder of the year.  We have some exciting this planned!  

How was your week?  Anything exciting planned this weekend???


  1. I managed to snag a copy of The Deep too. I remember your tepid feelings for The Hunger, here's hoping this one will work better for you, that both of us will enjoy it! I also received a copy of The Passengers in the mail this week, I'm pretty intrigued!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I really do want to give Katsu another try and am hoping that it was just The Hunger that didn't work for me.

  2. Our football season starts today and I have eagles in the pit of my stomach! Plus it's day three of five in the cricket, the crucial day! Sport is too nerve wracking for me!!! I'm in planning mode for the rest of the year which I always find exciting! I've been going through my Goodreads shelves deleting what I don't want to read and also choosing my reads for autumn...FUN!

    1. I know. When football starts here, it always starts to feel like Fall. Hope you teams do well this year!

  3. I'm so glad you got The Deep! I was excited to be approved as well. And I'll be reading the passengers later this month. Have a great weekend, Barb😁

    1. They both sound like really good reads. Thanks Tammy!

  4. I haven't read much this week either. And I agree- how is it august now??

    Good luck on Tuesday, hopefully everything goes well.

    The Passengers has me wondering...

    1. I've seen it around a lot so I hope it's a good as I anticipate.

  5. It's crazy how fast the year is already going and summer is almost over. It's way too fast. I hope you have a great week!

  6. Milestones are really hard when you have lost someone you love. My dad has been gone for nearly 25 years and birthdays, holidays, etc are still hard. I watched the first episode of NOS4A2 and wasn't all that impressed but I do want to get back to it. Enjoy all of your new books!

    1. I don't know that it was ever be easy but hopefully time does heal some of the pain. NOS4A2 does get better as it goes along but I really don't like Vic much in it which is bad because she's the star.

  7. I have got to go check out The Deep! And I'm looking forward to more of the buddy reads!

  8. I want to read Hollow Kingdom so badly! I didn't realize it wasn't out yet and I've been looking for it on Hoopla. 😂

    Yay for more dog books! 🐶✨

    Here's to a better week for you. 👍✨

    1. Saw you won a copy - I'm thrilled for you to read it. I hope people love it as much as I did!

  9. You have me curious about The Passengers. And Yay for reading another dog book!!!!

    1. I've read 2 so far and need to knock out at least 3 more!

  10. I don't think it's odd that you like someone more after interacting on Twitter - I guess it makes people feel more real to you rather than just a name on a cover.
    I want that Alma Katsu book - badly!!
    Lynn :D

  11. I'm curious about Hollow Kingdom and The Deep! They both sound like amazing reads. I haven't introduced my son to Hank the Cowdog yet, but I plan on doing it soon. :)

    I'm sorry you've had a rough week! Hopefully this one is better.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I have finished the first Hank book. It was cute and I could see kids loving it.

  12. RIGHT?! I feel like we blinked and July was gone!! Have a great August. <3

  13. I hope your week goes well and you enjoy those new reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  14. I want to watch NOS4A2 because I read the book but I did not get the chance too yet.

    Enjoy your new books!

    1. Some people really love it. I am excited for season 2 because it picked up at the end.

  15. For real. How is it Aug?? I definitely like the authors I interact with more. Lol. Curious about Passengers. Happy reading!

  16. Sorry to hear about all that family crap I want to start watching NOS4A2 next week. And.. you know I have to do this...

    1. I will allow the Pats comments - just because I love you too much!
