Saturday, October 26, 2019

What's Happening (10-26-19)

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out.  

So it's been a fairly good week here at The Farm, but busy.  I accompanied Gpa to a doctor visit Wednesday afternoon and then Friday afternoon Cass had a routine vet appointment.  It kind of made me mad because I made it 2 months in advance so I could go on a Saturday morning and then suddenly this week they needed to change it. Which meant I took him alone, in a truck built for two vs. Mr. Barb SUV.  Oh well, I do love my vet so he's gets a pass - but they might be limited 😊

I put up a few more Halloween decorations last weekend.  I did the other downstairs mantel.  I need to remember to take some pics. I think it's my favorite yet.  My college Alma Mater, Marshall University, won their game Friday evening and it was actually broadcast so I got to watch.  We also watched "Crawl" which was a pretty good, suspenseful alligator movie.  

And in exciting news.  A few weeks back I mentioned a chihuahua down the street that drives Cass mad.  The owner lets him run lose at times, which worries me because big car traffic and tiny dogs don't have the best outcome. He likes to run in our front yard, bark and then run when Cass comes out to see him.  We change his name all the time.  Sometimes he is Rodrigo, sometimes he's Pedro, or maybe Paco.  Well I found out this week his name in Baby!  Please.  He thinks he's vicious and can take on my 112 pound boxer and his name is Baby.  Too funny!

This week's reading has picked up some.  I am actually almost done with Kate Daniels #8 so I'll be reading it this week and then after that "Slash" by Hunter Shea.  I've shown them so much because October has been a reading disaster so I'll skip the photos.  Check out last week's post if you are curious.  

This week in books, I had two Goodreads wins arrive.  I am excited for both but need to the first in the series before tackling "Dead Blow."  Also, "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" is a horror novel I featured on Can't Wait Wednesday some time ago so I was thrilled to win a copy.

I also picked up a few holds at my library that came in.  "Pumkinheads" looks like a perfect read for the season. "The Vanished Bride" was actually on the NEW RELEASES shelf so I couldn't resist, and I have heard some decent things about "The Bone Houses."  

And finally, over on Instagram, Cass got to model his Comic Book bandana.  I have to admit this little find is one of my favorites!  We're trying to enjoy the sunny afternoons while we still have them.

So I hope everyone had a wonderful week.  Did you read, watch or do anything fun?


  1. I just finished The Bone Houses and loved it! It's like the perfect blend of fairy tale vibes and horror. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. So glad you loved it. I read your review and now the book holds such promise!

  2. I certainly want to see Crawl so I'm glad you enjoyed it! I feel sorry for that dog now being saddled with a name like Baby. No wonder it has an identity crisis! My Spooky Booky month was a bit of a flop so I'm just targeting the books that have mixed reviews now to see if I can get a pile dealt with for my Tackling the TBR challenge. Nice to see Cass really rocking it with that bandana!

    1. I feel sorry for Baby too. I wanted to read so much horror this month and then everything bombed. Good thing I don't mind reading horror any other time of the year. I've got plenty saved back.

  3. The Vanished Bride looks so good! I would love to see some pictures of your decorations!

    1. I will take some this week and try to post them on the next What's Happening. You can also see some over on instagram - just look for boxermommyreads

  4. How do you win so many Goodreads contests? I enter all the time and I'm lucky if I win once a year, lol. I read an excerpt for Pumpkinheads and it was really cute. Should be a quick read, perfect for Halloween🎃

    1. I'm not sure but I always seem to win in groups of three. Then I go MONTHS and don't win anything. Pumpkinheads was quick but fun.

  5. I am really curious about The Bone House, hope you get a chance to try it! :)

  6. Ooh Crawl sounds like fun! I think the only alligator movie I've seen was Lake Placid. I should check out!

    Baby. That's hilarious!! :):)

    1. You need to watch Crawl. I actually didn't want any of the characters to get eaten!

  7. Those feisty chihuahuas crack me up. I had a friend in college who was terrified of them. Ha ha. He had never been bitten, or anything, so I don't know why. He would cross the street if someone was walking one. 😝

    I haven't been on IG for a few days. I need to hop over there. 👍✨

    Ooo... yes, The Bone Houses! I want to read that one, too! Congratulations on the Goodreads wins. 📚

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

    1. When I did Children Services investigations, I was bit by dogs twice - both small and both had already made up with me when they decided to bite. I worry about Baby just because his owner lets him run wild when she lets him out.

  8. Baby?!?! OMG, that is the best! Any chance you can get a pic of him??? I'm really curious about hte Bronte sisters mystery -- I never liked their writing, so as much as this sounds so good, I'm a little bit hesitant lol

    1. I'm gonna try. If I see him out while walking, or he comes to our house to taunt Cass, I'll snap one or two.

  9. I schedule my time pretty carefully so I would not be a happy camper and probably couldn't make the change in time. I just scheduled Lulu's next visit in about 2 weeks for a vaccine and toe nail trim. The assistants do those so it's not too fussy.

    I hope you are enjoying the Kate Daniels series as much as I did - it's a favorite favorite. Have a wonderful week and enjoy your reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I just finished #8 over the weekend and really did enjoy it. Kate and Curran are always so much fun.

  10. I think that most Chihuahuas think that they are big bad dogs. Even the ones named Baby :) Glad you were able to work out the vet but I understand how inconvenient that can be. I hope you have a great week!

    1. He's cute....but mouthy. I prefer my medium and large size dogs :)

  11. The Bone Houses and Bleak Creek look interesting. Might give them a try. That dog sounds like a little booger. LOL

  12. A vicious chihuahua called Baby. You couldn't make it up. They do seem to have little dog syndrome.
    Love Cass's bandana.
    Lynn :D

    1. They do have little dog syndrome! Great name for it.

  13. I LOVE Cass's Comic Book bandanna!!
