Monday, September 21, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday - Books on My Fall TBR

This top 10 weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and can be found HERE.  Each week they focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading. This week we are looking at the top 10 books on our fall TBRs which is perfect because I need to plan and prioritize my reading for the next few months.  So here we go!

Cujo: Stephen King.  I don't even own this book (one of the few King books not in my collection) but the past few days I have decided I really want to read it before Halloween.  I think Booker T will love reviewing it!

House Trained: Jackie Bouchard.  This book releases in October and I absolutely cannot wait to read it.  I read my first Bouchard book 2 months ago and she is already one of my favorite authors. 

The Subterranean Season: Dale Bailey.  This horror book comes out in November and it sounds like a perfect Halloween read.

A Likely Story (Library Lover's Mystery #6): Jenn McKinlay.  This is one of the few series which I am current on and when I was approved for this ARC, I was thrilled. 

Greythorne: L.M.Merrington.  Sounds like an eerie ghost story and I need to get it read sometime in October since it releases then.

The Casquette Girls: Alys Arden.  Witches, New Orleans...count me in!

Wonderland: Jennifer Hillier.  "An edgy thriller about the gruesome secrets hidden beneath a small-town amusement park."  Perfect for a fall read!

NOS4A2: Joe Hill.  It's been on my shelf forever so I should finally get to it.  I wish I had the first cover shown - isn't is just awesome!

Deceptions (Cainsville #3): Kelley Armstrong.  I love this series and have to read this soon!

Chapelwood: Cherie Priest.  How could you not read this in the fall????

So what are you hoping to read this fall?  Leave a comment and let me know if you have read any of these.


  1. I've just discovered the Library Lovers Mystery series and need to get started on it! My TTT

    1. I really enjoy the series and am thrilled to have an ARC of the new one.

  2. You know I have still yet to read a Stephen King book. I really want to but I don't know which one to start with. Sounds like you have a collection, which would you suggest I start with?
    My Top Ten

    1. Eve, I think that The Shining is his best. I also really enjoyed It, Salem's Lot and as for his newer stuff, Revival.

  3. I really, really loved Cujo. It's actually one of my favorite Kings next to Pet Sematary. Definitely the perfect time of year to read it! NOS4A2 is AMAZING, hope you love it! Happy Reading!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

    Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

  4. This seems like such a wonderful list! I hope you enjoy all of them, and read plenty of great books this fall :)

  5. The Subterranean Season sounds intriguing! Wonderland, too, since carnivals are just so inherently creepy. I'll have to add them to my list!
