Thursday, January 31, 2019

2 Bloggers 1 Book 2019 - A Dangerous Collaboration

So welcome to a new year of "2 Bloggers 1 Book!"  Stormi and I have so much fun reading the same books that I don't think either one of us planned on discontinuing this feature as we moved into a new year.  So for our first choice of a brand new year, we picked the newest book from a series we both adore.  So check out my thoughts and then head over to Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! and see what Stormi thought.

TITLE: A Dangerous Collaboration (Veronica Speedwell #4)
AUTHOR: Deanna Raybourn
PUBLISHING DATE: March 12, 2019

FROM GOODREADS: Victorian adventuress Veronica Speedwell is whisked off to a remote island off the tip of Cornwall when her natural historian colleague Stoker's brother calls in a favor. On the pretext of wanting a companion to accompany him to Lord Malcolm Romilly's house party, Tiberius persuades Veronica to pose as his fiancée--much to Stoker's chagrin. But upon arriving, it becomes clear that the party is not as innocent as it had seemed. Every invited guest has a connection to Romilly's wife, Rosamund, who disappeared on her wedding day three years ago, and a dramatic dinner proves she is very much on her husband's mind.                                                                                                                                                                                        As spectral figures, ghostly music, and mysterious threats begin to plague the partygoers, Veronica enlists Stoker's help to discover the host's true motivations. And as they investigate, it becomes clear that there are numerous mysteries surrounding the Romilly estate, and every person present has a motive to kill Rosamund...
MY THOUGHTS: So in looking back, I rated the first book 4/5 and the second and the third 5/5 so I expected good things from the latest installment.  And I seriously love this series. I don't do "book boyfriends" but if I did, Stoker is the best I could ever think of.  So needless to say, I dove right into "A Dangerous Collaboration" highly anticipating it to be one of my favorite reads of 2019.  I have to admit, I did really enjoy it but it fell flat in a few areas.  However, I still need to rave about it.

In "A Dangerous Collaboration," Veronica heads off to a remote island with Stoker's annoying Viscount brother - Tiberius.  He has promised her the larvae of an elusive rare butterfly and all she has to do is accompany him (and also pose as his fiancee).  Oh, and there might be another catch.  A few years ago, Lord Romilly's wife disappeared and the island gathering is a secret mission to discover what happened to dear old Rosamund.  

To say I don't care much for Tiberius is an understatement.  He has set his eyes on Veronica and in my opinion, has really only done so because he knows it will annoy his brother Stoker to no ends.  Also, Tiberius' presences seems to make Veronica make stupid decisions - like pushing Stoker away before a relationship can even begin.  Enough said about that.  I definitely enjoyed the banter between the three of them and "A Dangerous Collaboration" does introduce us to some unique island characters - my favorite being Romilly's sister, Mertensia.  She is strange and odd and I felt a weird connection to her.  Plus she not-so-secretly had a crush on Stoker so there's that as well.

So the mystery portion of the book centers around Rosamund's disappearance.  Was she a run away bride, did she accidentally perish, or was she murdered?  The resolution was interesting enough and there was a whole cast of suspects so I never really could pin down what happened and why.  I just sort of didn't care.  I didn't feel attached to Rosamund and was much more worried about whether Veronica and Stoker would finally admit they have feelings for each other or die before doing so which is SOOOO out of character for me.

If you love this series, then I have no doubt that this book is already on your TBR.  If you haven't started, then I cannot stress enough that you need to do so.  It is really well written and honestly, there are good mysteries at the basis of each and every book.  I'm super curious about where the next book will lead us and majorly bummed that I'm going to have to wait a whole another year to find out!


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Can't Wait Wednesday (195)

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

FROM GOODREADS: What if everything you knew about the people you loved was a lie?

After the death of their absentee father, Aaron and Bridge Quinlan travel to a vast rainforest property in the Pacific Northwest to hear the reading of his will. There, they meet up with their mother and troubled sister, Franny, and are shocked to discover the will’s terms: in order to claim their inheritance they must remain at the estate for thirty days without any contact with the outside world. Despite their concerns, they agree.

The Quinlans soon come to learn their family has more secrets than they ever imagined—revelations that at first inspire curiosity, then fear. Why does Bridge have faint memories of the estate? Why did their father want them to be sequestered there together? And what is out there they feel pulling them into the dark heart of the woods?

The Homecoming is at once a gripping mystery, a chilling exploration of how our memories can both define and betray us, and a riveting page-turner that will have you questioning your very existence.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT: I basically just like the sounds of this one.  I do rather enjoy reading about dysfunctional families and I've heard good things about Pyper.  I'm pretty sure I even have a few of his other books on my shelves somewhere so I guess it's time I give him a try.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

TTT - 10 Most Recent Additions to My Wishlist

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week everyone is sharing the most recent additions to their TBR.  Well, I do weekly hauls and kind of handle TBR's differently. If I see a book I'm interested on, it goes onto a wishlist until I learn more about it.  And sometimes I browse Amazon's upcoming releases just for this perfect.  So I'm sharing that list instead.

I've included a teaser and then if you click on the cover, it should take you to Goodreads.

"The Survivors, their members known only by the order in which they joined, live alone in a rural Colorado mansion. They believe that sickness bears honesty, and that honesty bears change. Fueled by the ritualized Cytoxan treatments that leave them on the verge of death, they instigate the Day of Gifts, a day that spells shocking violence and the group’s demise."

“Have you seen this man?” It was a simple image and question posted online that sparked a worldwide awareness that—HE IS REAL! From the author who discovered him and told you about The Shadow People—now learn of the new THREAT!"

"At Indiana University, someone’s been studying the female student body: their dating customs, nocturnal activities―and how long they can survive in captivity."

"Sometimes man's best friend is loyal for life... and beyond!"

" A lighthearted revisiting of my time there, and most importantly how I came to love these two amazing dogs. A loving exploration of two funny and wonderful dogs, Sammy and Shrink."

"Ten years after the world’s oil went sour and a pandemic killed most of the population, Sam Edison is the chief of police of The Little Five, a walled-in community near Atlanta, Georgia. Those who survived share the world with what are known as hollow-heads: creatures who are no longer fully human."

"For 12-year-old Garrett and his four best friends, the idyllic summer of 1989 crashes to a halt when Garrett's older brother vanishes. 
Something is very wrong in Sallow Creek, Pennsylvania. 
Something is turning their neighbors, their relatives, into unstoppable monstrosities... "

"So, this is me. Lily Allen.
I am a woman.
I am a mother.
I was a wife.
I drink.
I have taken drugs.
I have loved and been let down.
I am a success and a failure.
I am a songwriter.
I am a singer.
I am all these things and more."

"A smooth-talking charmer is separating dog-loving ladies from their money. Nala and Max are ready to put the bite on the Dog Park Romeo."

"A murder...broadcast for thousands to see...has just become a viral sensation." 

So this is one of those topics which has the potential to blow up the wishlists/TBR as I blog hop.  So I dare to ask, what books made your list this week???

Monday, January 28, 2019

Books to Bark and Crow About - The They Call It Puppy Love Challenge Edition

Hey guys, it's me, Booker T.  Cass is sleeping so I'm going it alone this time.  Don't worry, I'll make sure to include him next month.  So as you know, Mom is hosting a Puppy Love Reading Challenge to celebrate Valentine's Day in February.  So I thought this month I'd showcase some "pup" books and series that I keep telling Mom she should read.  I thought maybe you guys would like them as well and it might even give you guys a few ideas.  So here we go.  

First up are the Stewart Hoag Mysteries.  This is a cozy series which sounds like it is more noir to me (look at me using the fancy words now).  There are 10 books in the series which started in the early 80s which is a LONG TIME ago for me.  I wasn't even born.  It features a ghost-writer, Stewart Hoag and his cat-food-eating dog Lulu.  

Next up is a series by Spencer Quinn.  I've long tried to convince Mom to read these because I know she'd love them.  He writes the Chet and Bernie series where Chet is the lovable dog narrator.  How can you go wrong with a dog narrator.  There are currently 8 books in the series and the 9th one comes out soon.  

And last but not least is strictly cozy series written by Annie Knox.  This is the Pet Boutiques series and the first three books have already been released.  And this one not only features a dog named Packer but also a cat named Jinxed.  See, I don't discriminate against cats ALL the time.  

So whatever you chose to read, I hope you have fun participating and Mom has promised that Cass and I can be more active here during February so I'll be seeing you around!


Saturday, January 26, 2019

What's Happening...(01/26/19)

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out.

This week has been warm and then really cold and then snowy and then sunny.  Welcome to winter WV style!  I had a meeting at our home base on Friday which meant 3 hours total on the road so I was at least grateful I didn't have to drive in the snow or rain.

Gpa was in the hospital for a night.  He was severely dehydrated which means he wasn't taking in enough fluids or took his medication wrong.  I hate to say that I am starting to have concerns about his short-term memory and really don't want him to have to suffer this way.  So far he has more good days than bad so there's that.  Also SU (aka Stupid Uncle) was in town for once so he dealt with it all.  I will be visiting and shopping for Gpa Saturday.

It's pretty much been a "Punisher Season 2" week.  We have only 2 more episodes and I'm typing this Friday even so it's quite possible that by the time you read this we are finished.  I'm really loving it and although I hate Jon Berthal has Shane on "The Walking Dead" I adore him as the Punisher.  "Shameless" also started back up and it's a guilty pleasure so we watched it Sunday.  We also watched "The Passage" but Mr. Barb has declared it "too slow" so from now on we'll probably record it and watch it when we are bored.

Speaking of "The Passage," yes I'm still reading the damn book!  Although I did hit the 500 page mark.  It doesn't look like I'll have it done in January but it better be my first February finish.  This weekend I have two buddy reads to work on.  

I also have a small haul this week.  First up is "Here There Are Monsters" which I featured some time ago on a Can't Wait Wednesday feature.  A YA book called "House of Salt and Sorrow" which mentions a deserted island, ghostly visions and curses.  And finally "You've Been Volunteered."  Although not a genre I read a lot of, I had a blast reading the first book "Class Mom" which I first heard of over on Bark's Book Nonsense. So pretty much a mixed bag.

So how was your week and what did you add to your shelves???

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Hate U Give Reading Update #2

So this week Maria from A Night's Dream of Books and I read chapters 8-14 and the drama is definitely picking up.  I'm enjoying the book quite a bit but because I'm reading other things, I have to admit that I'm finding it easy to pick up and put down.  Once again Maria sent me some questions so continue reading if you don't mind spoilers and then hop over to her blog and see what I asked her. 

1.) How did you feel when April Ofrah, from the organization "Just Us For Justice", announced, at Khalil's funeral, that "the police department has no intentions of arresting the officer who murdered this young man?"

I can honestly say that wasn't really surprised because since I have a legal background and I'm aware most cases like this goes before a grand jury.  And if you look at the news, that's usually how it goes.  I guess I was kind of appalled that "Just Us for Justice" announced their presence at the funeral.  I kind of felt like that was inappropriate altogether but maybe it was just me.   No matter how wrong the situation, it did kind of make something sacred out to be a media circus.

2.) Starr's parents have an ongoing argument about whether or not their family should stay in Garden Heights. Which parent do you think is right, and why? Or do you think they each have a point?

So this one is kind of hard for me to answer because I go back and forth.  I understand Maverick's position of wanting to stay in his home community.  His business is there and he thinks he is doing some good and honestly, he does seem to have an important role there.  However, I can also see Lisa's POV.  They have the money to move and their children are going to school in another district and the kids would probably be safer so what's the hold up?  I guess my answer is they both have a point.

3.) Starr has started to feel guilty about the fact that she hasn't spoken out publicly about Khalil's murder. She's scared to do so, but still feels guilty. If you could speak with her, what would you advise her to do, and why?

I would tell Starr to make her own decisions and follow her heart.  She is a bright girl overall and she seems to be able to look at both the pros and cons of the situation.  She is very lucky in that she has the support of lots of family and I think they are okay with whatever she decides.  I do think she should stop letting her friends influence her so much but she is a teen and that's what they usually do.

4.) Did you find it shocking when a black police officer -- teamed with a white one, who stood by and watched the whole thing -- attempted to intimidate Maverick in front of Mav's own store, with his kids watching? Why would an African-American cop treat one of his own people like that? 

No, I wasn't surprised because we see all kinds of behaviors like that every day.  I am sure that the cop would be getting pressure from both sides.  On one side, he has to work to provide for his family and we know what happened to Uncle Carlos when he stood up to his coworkers.  But on the other hand, he knew what they were doing was wrong.  I'm sure it was a tough situation for him to be in.

So next week we'll be reading 7 more chapters and since we are already more than 50% done, I'm sure there will be lots of interesting things to discuss.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

2 Bloggers 1 Series - Magic Bites Review

So earlier this year I eluded to the fact that Stormi and I are starting a new feature in 2019.  We are still doing our monthly buddy reads, but we also decided we wanted to knock out some series too.  And thus, "2 Bloggers 1 Series" was born.  We also have to give credit to Michelle from Because Reading is Better Than Real Life who created out awesome new graphic.

So the series we decided to tackle this year is Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews.  We've both heard good things about it and I think Stormi even read the first one a few years ago.  So there are 10 in the series so we're aiming to read one a month.  I think it will be a great way to get back into urban fantasy as well.

TITLE: Magic Bites (Kate Daniels #1)
AUTHOR: Ilona Andrews
PUBLISHING DATE: April 1, 2007

FROM GOODREADS: Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up magical problems. But when Kate’s guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta’s magic circles. Pressured by both sides to find the killer, Kate realizes she’s way out of her league—but she wouldn't want it any other way… 

MY THOUGHTS:  So Kate lives in a word where magic has taken over in addition to it sometimes failing altogether.  As with any urban fantasy, lots of supernaturals abound and at the beginning, Kate learns that her long-term guardian and mentor, Greg, has been killed.  Soon Kate is right in the middle of two warring Atlanta factions, the People and the Pack.  She ends up walking a thin line between the two in order to get to the bottom of Greg's death and even more so, find out who is trying to take over.

There was a lot I really enjoyed about this book.  First of all, not far into the book, Kate encounters the Beast Lord, Curran, who is leader of the Pack.  I can already tell Curran will be a fave of mine going forward.  He's kind of grouchy and kind of mean, but he and Kate have a hate/hate banter going on that most readers can tell will eventually lead to more.  I also like some of the smaller characters, such a the teen wolf, Derek, who gets paired with Kate during the investigation.  Although she doesn't want him tagging along and questions his allegiance, it's obvious they have a mutual respect for each other.

My only issue with "Magic Bites" is to be expected.  Since it's the first book in a long series, much of it is spent learning about all the players and the magical world and I'll admit, at times I found it overwhelming.  However, that being said, I found this to be a quick read and really enjoyed it.  I think Stormi and I made a good choice for out inaugural series read.

RATING: 4 PAWS (make that 4 furry lion paws)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Can't Wait Wednesday (194)

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

FROM GOODREADS: A young detective who specializes in “tiny mysteries” finds herself at the center of a massive conspiracy in this beguiling historical fantasy set on Manhattan’s Westside—a peculiar and dangerous neighborhood home to strange magic and stranger residents—that blends the vivid atmosphere of Caleb Carr with the imaginative power of Neil Gaiman.

New York is dying, and the one woman who can save it has smaller things on her mind.

It’s 1921, and a thirteen-mile fence running the length of Broadway splits the island of Manhattan, separating the prosperous Eastside from the Westside—an overgrown wasteland whose hostility to modern technology gives it the flavor of old New York. Thousands have disappeared here, and the respectable have fled, leaving behind the killers, thieves, poets, painters, drunks, and those too poor or desperate to leave.

It is a hellish landscape, and Gilda Carr proudly calls it home.

Slightly built, but with a will of iron, Gilda follows in the footsteps of her late father, a police detective turned private eye. Unlike that larger-than-life man, Gilda solves tiny mysteries: the impossible puzzles that keep us awake at night; the small riddles that destroy us; the questions that spoil marriages, ruin friendships, and curdle joy. Those tiny cases distract her from her grief, and the one impossible question she knows she can’t answer: “How did my father die?”

Yet on Gilda’s Westside, tiny mysteries end in blood—even the case of a missing white leather glove. Mrs. Copeland, a well-to-do Eastside housewife, hires Gilda to find it before her irascible merchant husband learns it is gone. When Gilda witnesses Mr. Copeland’s murder at a Westside pier, she finds herself sinking into a mire of bootlegging, smuggling, corruption—and an evil too dark to face.

All she wants is to find one dainty ladies’ glove. She doesn’t want to know why this merchant was on the wrong side of town—or why he was murdered in cold blood. But as she begins to see the connection between his murder, her father’s death, and the darkness plaguing the Westside, she faces the hard truth: she must save her city or die with it.

Introducing a truly remarkable female detective, Westside is a mystery steeped in the supernatural and shot through with gunfights, rotgut whiskey, and sizzling Dixieland jazz. Full of dazzling color, delightful twists, and truly thrilling action, it announces the arrival of a remarkable talent. 

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  First of all, now that's a synopsis.  I feel like I've read a short chapter. Basically I've been looking for a book like "A Criminal Magic" since I read it and this one sounds like it might be in the same vein.  I also love the combination of magic and mystery.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

TTT - I Really Wanted to Read These Last Year But...

The top 10 weekly meme used to be hosted by The Broke and the Bookish they  handed over the reins to ThatArtsyReaderGirl who can be found HERE.  Each week she will focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading.

This week's topic is all about books we wanted to read last year but didn't get to.  In other words #bookproblems.  This should be pretty easy so here we go!

So I'm technically already 75 pages into "The Agony House" so I just need to find time to finish it off.

I'm hoping I can knock both of these off during the They Call It Puppy Love Challenge.

I know it's sad, but I want to get this edition of the Haig book before I read it and all I can find is the ugly one with the nose.

I want to give Sager a second chance and hopefully will soon.  And I can't believe I haven't read "Abandoned"  yet considering how much I love "Outpost."

And finally, 2 library books which I STILL have (thank you renewal system) and need to make time for.

So what books do you have lingering from 2018???

Sunday, January 20, 2019

What's Happening on The Farm (01-19-19)

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out.

So this is going up a tad bit later than normal and I have no real reason other than I didn't feel like sitting down at the computer for very long.  We are right on the border of the massive snowstorm headed toward the East and I've kind of been holding my breath that it doesn't shift.  It's bad enough we'll be having single digit temps Sunday night.

And on,  my other excuse.  Despite having 4 books I HAVE to finish before January ends, I got sucked down the hole known as "The Punisher Season 2."  We're six episodes in which leave 7 more to go.  I do think Season 1 was better, but I'm enjoying this one too.  Oh and we watched the first episode of "The Passage."  All I can say is I think they crammed 200 pages of the book into 1 hour.  It wasn't bad but it might be best to think of them as 2 separate things - the book and the show. I have been reading some this weekend and have a holiday Monday so hopefully I can do some catching up on that aspect.  Here's the books I've got going right now.

So now onto what I like to refer to as THE HORRIFIC HAUL.  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this one.  First, from Flame Tree Press I received "The Devil's Equinox," "Chop Shop," and "Stoker's Wilde."

Then Stormi sent me "Abominable" for my birthday. It looks and sounds awesome and she totally surprised me as I had never even heard of this one!

And finally, the freebie grab of the week I want to showcase is "The Strangeness that is Wales."  This book showcases legends and ghosts of Wales so when I saw it (as well as the cute dog on the cover) I couldn't resist.

So there you have it.  What did you add to your shelves and if you are snowed in, how are you passing the time?

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Hate U Give Reading Update

So Maria from A Night's Dream of Books and I read the first 7 chapters of "The Hate U Give" last week and I have to say, so far so good.  It definitely has my attention and I can see this being a fairly quick read if I wasn't pacing myself.  Right now, it's pretty much my Sunday book and will be for the next few weeks. 

So Maria sent me a few questions for discussion which is the same format we used for out "Dread Nation" buddy read.  So check out the questions and my answers below and make sure you pop over to her blog when you're finished!

If you haven't read this, this will probably contain some spoilers so don't feel obligated to read on :)

1.) First of all, I’ve noticed that you’ve abbreviated the title of this novel to “THUG”. Do you think the author gave her novel the title, "The Hate U Give", intentionally, because it can be abbreviated this way? 

So I'm pretty sure I've read something along the way which indicated that the author was definitely acting intentionally with the name. I'll have to admit, it took me a while to catch on with this one but after starting it, I would have thought  it intentional anyway.  Mainly because she mentions Tupac's song "Thug Life" in the first few chapters so I think that might have influenced her.  

2.) I like the way Angie Thomas set the mood from the very beginning. There were some details that gave me a sense of foreboding. What about you? Did you get that sense, too, that something REALLY bad was going to happen? If so, what details gave you that feeling?

Yes, I just knew something was going to happen after the direction the party was heading.  And because her friend at the party wanted to start some trouble with another girl, and really wanted Starr to help her, I sort of initially assumed that was going to blow up in their face.  Also, when Starr and Khalil were in the car and the police pulled them over, Starr was so nervous and had so many "things to do" running through her head I just knew it would end badly.  

3.) Were you surprised that Starr was not immediately interrogated by the police regarding the shooting? Why or why not? 

Yes I am am in "real life" I don't know that it would play out this way.  I am glad that Starr had a family that stood up for her and was watching out for her so she had some time she obviously needed.  Also, I think with social media being so quick to pick up on things that happen now, it's not real feasible to allow things time like it might have been in the past.  Things need to be done quickly for fear of tainted interviews and evidence and situations spiraling out of control.

4.) How did you feel about the contrasts between Starr’s home world – Garden Heights – and Williamson, the prep school she attends? I thought it was ironic that Starr’s classmates argue about such things as how to properly eat Pop Tarts, while Starr and her family have to worry about such things as knowing how to talk to cops if you get stopped on the road. 

I think Thomas did a good job at contrasting two different worlds.  However, were the book on a different subject matter and we readers encountered teens arguing over how to eat Pop Tarts, we'd just be commenting on how stupid they act and be making some silly comments like "typical teens."  However in this context, it does just go to show how different people are and how people have different issues in their lives and bigger things to worry about.

So there you have it, make sure to check back next Friday to see how we're progressing.  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Can't Wait Wednesday (193)

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

FROM GOODREADS: The Go-Go's made music on their own terms and gave voice to a generation caught between the bra-burning irreverence of the seventies and the me-first decadence of the eighties. Anthems like "We Got the Beat," "Our Lips Are Sealed," and "Vacation" are an indelible part of our collective soundtrack, but more than that, they speak to the power and possibility of youth. Inspired by punk but not yoked to it, the Go-Go's broke important musical ground by combining cheeky lyrics, clever hooks, and catchy melodies, perfectly capturing what it feels like to be young and female in the process.

But beyond the Go-Go's effervescent sound and cheerful pop stylings, a darkness underlies many of their lyrics and melodies, hinting at the heartache and frustration inherent in growing up. In other words, plenty to inspire murder and mayhem.

With a foreword by Go-Go's co-founder Jane Wiedlin and original stories by 25 kick-ass authors, editor Holly West has put together an all-star crime fiction anthology inspired by one of the most iconic bands of the eighties and beyond.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  I LOVE 80s music and was a huge Go-Gos fan back then (still am).  Throw in the mystery aspect of this anthology makes it definitely one I want to check out.