Sunday, July 30, 2023

Farm News - July 30, 2023


So today would have been my dad's 73rd birthday.  It's been 10 years since we lost him and special days ae still hard to manage at times.  I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge him before getting started. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!

So, it's been an extremely hot and humid week here at the farm.  And along with that, we've had pop-up storms, including a horrible one that blew in rather suddenly Friday afternoon.  I'm really glad Mr. Barb was home from work because our canopy tent out back decided to work itself lose and started to fly over the fence and onto the neighbor's car but luckily, we were able to catch it in time.  However, the metal snapped in half and it's beyond repair. And to top it all off, we both got really soaked in the process and it probably wasn't super safe to be outside in that kind of weather.  Thank heavens Apollo had the good sense to stay inside when we bolted out the door.  Mr. Barb took the whole thing as a sign to order the Georgia Bulldog canopy he has been eyeing and it should arrive next Friday. Have I mentioned I hate storms?

Since I didn't really share any books last week, I have quite a few to mention this week.  I finally caved and ordered a copy of Fourth Wing which arrived early in the week.  I need to see if the hype is real on this one.  I am using it for a Fall Reading Challege so it will be a few months before I read it but I hope I'm not disappointed.

I was also provided several ARCs.  I've been seeing Night of the Witch around and am curious to see if I enjoy it.  Isn't that cover awesome? The Dead Pennies looks really creepy and I think it was be a great October read.  And I was THRILLED to get a copy of Hex Education, especially after so recently featuring it on my Feed Your TBR feature.

I am also preparing for some fun Christmas reads.  It's the one time of year I love holiday themed books and I added ARCS of Christmas at Corgi Cove, The Christmas Cafe and Along Came Holly.  I've read two other holiday books by Codi Hall and they are some of my faves so I can't wait to see how this one measures up.

It hasn't been a great movie week, but we did watch God is a Bullet which is based on a true story.  It's about a sheriff who infiltrates a Satanic cult to get his daughter back.  I really enjoyed it, but it was the most brutal movie I've seen in ages.  I do recommend it if you like that type of story though.  

So that's about it other than work and daily chores which never seem to end.  I hope everyone is surviving whatever weather you are experiencing where you live.  Did you read any good books this week or watch anything I need to check out?


  1. I am curious about Fourth Wing and been told I probably would not like it and after watching a rant on YouTube I am pretty sure I won't but there is still that part of me that is curious lol.

  2. I am just hanging on through July and August each year because it is always hot. This week is supposed to be just a tiny bit better. Fourth Wing came up at the library for me and I hope to read it after a couple of ARCs. Stay cool!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. Your storms sound awful! I hope you get a break from them soon. I had a pop up tent almost blow away in a storm once and it was pretty scary! I'm glad you're giving Fourth Wing a try, I hope you like it!

  4. I love storms but I wouldn't love having to run out to save a canopy tent! Glad that was the worst of it and hope you love the new replacement one you're getting!

  5. I'm hoping that I enjoy Fourth Wing too. I gave in and ordered it when I saw it was finally available again. And I love that Codi Hall series, but haven't read/listened to the 3rd one yet! Have a good week!

  6. I LOVED Fourth Wing! I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book. I hope that you love it too! We had some storms yesterday that were kind of scary. I am glad that you were able to stop your canopy from flying away. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  7. The storms around here are intense too. We have to put our fence back up several times a year because of wind. I hope you're having a great week!

  8. So many fun upcoming reads! Fourth Wing sounds so good; I want to read that one soon, too. And I love the look of those Christmas books. Especially the one with the cute corgis on the cover. :D

  9. I enjoy holiday themed books too. Yours look so good. I hope you enjoy all of your books. Have a good week.

  10. I also want to see if Fourth Wing lives up to the hype, but I'm going to wait until Hoopla, or Libby has it. 📚

    The only holiday reading I do is I start reading A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve and finish it on Christmas Day. I think this year will be my 8th year. 🎄

    I hope you cool off like we have. I've been so grateful for temps in the 70s the last couple of days and chilly nights! 🤗

    I hope you don't get anymore pop-up storms! 😯

    I hope you had a great start to your week. ☀

  11. Hex Education looks like a lot of fun. I'm just really bias when it comes to witch books. I hope you have a lovely August!
