Friday, May 24, 2024

Buried by Books #1

Guess what?  I have a bad habit and it's time I come clean.  Late at night, I like to browse all the libraries that I have cards attached to Libby and see what they are adding.  Then I just randomly start putting saves on them.  This can happen for many reasons - I like the covers, I've seen them on other sites, I love the author, or even simply why not?  

Then before I know it, I have 75 books on hold, on top of my own books, arcs and even physical library books and they all arrived at once and I keep pushing back actually borrowing them, sometimes over and over again. I know I'm not the only one who does this am I?  So, I wanted to start a new feature where every week or two, I showcase three books which have landed on that hold list and some potential reasons why.  So welcome to the first edition!  Also, you can click on the titles to go to the Goodreads page in case you really want to know more about them and possibly add them to your Libby too!

The Bittlemores: Jann Arden - I requested this for two reasons actually.  I remember Arden as a 90's chart singer and the cow.  What's it about?  I think there's a farm and a quirky family.  I could have told you more if I had actually read it instead of pushing my hold back at least three separate times.  Oh well, I'm sure it will circle around again.

The Twilight Garden: Sara Nisha Adams - Pretty sure this is purely on my hold list because I liked the wolf on the cover, which seriously has to be a fox in all reality now that I'm REALLY looking at it, and because I saw it on Tammy's site over at Books, Bones & Buffy.  Hey, if Tammy wants to read it, I usually do too.

Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow: Victoria Lowery - No clue but it's still on hold.

So come on, spill it.  Do any of you do the same thing? And have you read any of these?  I apparently need more motivation to stop pushing them back.


  1. Loving all the dog graphics on the blog. So cute!

  2. I like your reasons for putting things on I normally put things on hold because someone said something about them, you persuade me to try something or I am looking for one book and see

  3. I do the same thing putting on hold and pushing back. I eventually get to some of them.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. Lol, I don't do that. I have too many books sitting on my shelves to read. I do end up with a lot of audiobooks on hold at times though.

  5. I always put too many holds on at my library. Though never 75. (My library has a 30 book hold limit.) And they always seem to come in all at once. It's why I never have time to read any of the books sitting on my shelves. Too many library books. ;D
