Friday, May 31, 2024

Buried by Books #2


It's time to once again evaluate my bad habit of putting things on hold on Libby for all kinds of reasons.  Hope you enjoyed last week's post and if you didn't catch it, you can find it HERE.

The Cats of Silver Crescent: Kaela Noel - So the only thing better than talking cats is talking dogs.  Still interested in reading this one although I know I've pushed it back twice so far.

Middle of the Night: Riley Sager - So I've only read one book by this author, and I didn't really like it. Yes, I'm talking about you Final Girl with all your grape soda and Xanax glory.  I'm convinced I want to love this author like so many other people.  Maybe this book will be the one to convince me one way or another.

Love Letters to a Serial Killer: Tasha Coryell- This is my most recent hold and honestly, I think it was the tagline on the cover "P.S. Please don't kill me."


  1. I hope this new Riley Sager is a good one. I've loved some of his books, and not liked others, so...

  2. No worries. I have things I've pushed for almost a year. I'll get to them at some point.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I'm looking forward to the new Sager, especially because I share a name with the main character! He's been hot and cold for me, but I've mostly enjoyed his books.

  4. I started making lists on Libby that weren't necessarily holds. I did that when I was on a book committee. These days when I do put something on hold on Libby it often ends up showing up when I am in the middle of something I have to read at that time, lol.

  5. I still haven't read Riley Sager, and I wasn't approved for Middle of the Night on NetGalley, so I'm not sure when I'll get to it. But one of these days...
