Sunday, June 9, 2024

Farm News - June 9, 2024


It's been an interesting two weeks culminating in the fact that Thursday was my boss's last day at work.  Things just kept getting more stressful as the week progressed and in fact, were downright weird at times.  However, once Friday arrived, it felt like there was a huge weight lifted off of us.  There will be some change moving forward but I think it will be positive.  I also did the e-learning module on my year-long training project and have an online meeting about it on the 14th.  Then I can start working on my next training project.

The boys are doing really well.  It's been hotter in the evenings, which when Mr. Barb works, is the only time they can walk, so we've been playing a lot in the backyard, and they love it.  We even played out in the rain (guess it was more like sprinkles) one evening and lots of fun was had by all.  Apollo has a vet appointment in two weeks.  He is due for some shots, and he also has a lump on one of his legs we need to have removed so after he is seen, we will plan that.  Mr. Barb and I fully plan on taking time off with him when it happens.

I have been doing a lot of reading so far in June.  I think I'm on my 6th book so far.  I don't know if I can keep up with this pace, but I'd love to try.  Here is what I'm currently reading.

I also acquired some new books from Netgalley and the publishers.  Thanks to everyone for sending them my way and I as always, I'm excited for them all.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and thanks for visiting Booker T's Farm!


  1. I am a fan of J.A. Huss, need to read more by her! I need to get my dogs into the vet for their annual check ups, but can't afford it till I get paid for summer school this year. It's nice when you can see a positive change in something that has been stressful. I'm hoping that I can get some of the things I'm hoping to change done next school year with the new teachers we will have. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  2. Lulu loves to go on her walks but I am less excited about it when the heat and humidity go up. It's starting. She doesn't like to play in the yard, I mean she won't fetch or anything, thinks it's boring but she does like to chase and be chased.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. Except for Nosy Neighbors, all of your books are new to me. They have some interesting looking covers. I hope you enjoy them all. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. I hope work becomes less stressful! It's hard when people leave, but sometimes the new people are awesome. Have a great week!

  5. I want to read Nosy Neighbors it looks good. Sounds like June is off to a good reading start for you. Enjoy your books!

  6. Sounds like work is going to get better? I'm glad the pups are doing well, and I hope the bump on Apollo's leg is nothing serious. I'm curious about Nosy Neighbors, I've heard good things about it.

  7. Hope work goes better with the change. Your poor doggie. Hopefully surgery won't be too bad for Apollo. Blood City Rollers looks cute. I've been wanting to read Nosy Neighbors. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  8. It's always difficult when there's a change at the top - I always hated it, but then I'm something of a control freak, so I expect that had something to do with it:)). Go you with your reading streak - I love the look of Potions and Proposals and I hope you're having a good week.

  9. Work changes can be positive. Enjoy the upcoming weeks.

  10. I hope your meeting went well today. Sending positive, healing energy to you and your furbabies! :)
