Sunday, September 3, 2023

Farm News - September 3, 2023


There are so many things to be excited about this week!  First of all, I am happy to report that Apollo's bite seems to have completely vanished with no lasting effects.  I do wish I knew exactly what happened, but I guess that's a mystery that will never be solved.  I keep threatening to wrap him in bubble wrap though, so I don't have to worry about him so much.

Second, college football kicked off this past week and we are now in full swing.  I'm super thrilled to be watching some of our favorite teams (Go Marshall! Go University of Georgia!), trying out some new snack recipes and not having to scramble to something to put on in the background while I'm reading.

Third, the last season of Riverdale finally dropped on Netflix this past Thursday.  I will admit I'm a tad scared because this show has gotten more and more "out there" each season, but I am curious to see how it all ends and hopefully get my last Jughead fix.

And finally, with Labor Day here in the states I get a 3-day weekend!

September is a great month for new releases and once again, I find myself with too many books I want to read.  I hope to finally finish up Looking Glass Sound.  It took me a while to get into it, but I think it finally grabbed my attention.  Stormi and I have three buddy reads planned for this month and I've already started Return to Virgin River.  I'm so sad the series is ending for us, but it does coincide nicely with the new season dropping on Netflix on the 7th.  And finally, I want to get started on The September House.  This sounds like a wonderful book to gear up for Fall.

It's also been a while since I've shared some ARCs I've received lately.  This Is How He Collects Them releases October 13th and if that cover doesn't scream spooky season, I don't know what does. Not Your Crushes Cauldron doesn't come out until February which seems so far away but it was too cute to pass up.  And They Stalk the Night, which also releases in October, takes place in a winter storm which is one of my favorite horror books setting so I have high hopes for it.

So I hope everyone had a great week and managed to stay safe amid all the weather chaos that seems to be everywhere.  Have you read or watch anything good I should check out?


  1. I just started watching Riverdale season 7 last night! I'm only two episodes in, and I was worried about this 1950s centric season, but so far it's good. Well see how it all wraps up. The September House was so good, I hope you love it too. Have a good week, Barb!

  2. Looking Glass Sound was a pretty wild read, but I enjoyed it.

  3. I'm glad Apollo's all recovered! Hope you have a great week. :D

  4. Enjoy your long weekend and your ARCs

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  5. I hope you're enjoying your long weekend, Barb - and that the weather chaos is now calming down. Have a great week.

  6. Yay for a holiday weekend. September does have a ton of releases and so do the next few months. Really I see no let up through February, with lots of things I want to read. I'm so glad to hear Apollo is ok.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  7. Glad Apollo is okay and hope you enjoy your I am really curious about The September House and They Stalk the Night sounds cool too!

  8. I think I'm still on the previous season of Riverdale, but you've reminded me of it and I need to get caught up! I've always liked the show even though it has gotten wild!

  9. I'm glad Apollo is doing better! Not Your Crush's Cauldron does look cute. I need to check that out (not that I need any more ARCs, but still.) Have a lovely week!

  10. Sounds like a good week. I'm still into baseball and haven't switched to a football mindset yet. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. Yay for Apollo being okay! This Is How He Collects Them does look spooky! I gave up on Riverdale about the third season I think? It just got too weird and since I'd already started it late, I knew I wouldn't go on and watch the rest of it. I hope you get a good wrap-up in the final season though! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  12. I am so glad that Apollo is doing okay. I sure do wish my dogs could talk and tell me what is going on. Nice new reads this week! I hope that you have a wonderful week!

  13. How much more perfect for September reading than a book titled the September house. ☺

    I'm happy Apollo is all better. 🐾

    Have a wonderful week! ☀
