Sunday, July 21, 2024

Farm News - July 21, 2024


Hope everyone is having a great weekend wherever you might be and whatever you are doing.  Things here at The Farm have finally cooled down a bit.  And by cool down, I basically just mean that the heat indexes aren't in the 93-104 range.  This is the hottest summer I've experienced in a long time. The boys have not been happy about missing their long evening walks, but it's just been too hot and boxers with their smooshed noses have breathing problems as it is.  We have been playing in the shade in the backyard and doing things inside to stimulate them though.  

Mr. Barb found out this past Thursday he has to go out of town for 4 days for a conference.  Nothing like last minute planning.  So, this weekend has been a lot of gathering things up and making sure he is packed and ready to go Monday afternoon.  I am worried about how the boys will be because they know when he usually gets home and start watching the door around 3pm every day.  I will do my best and we will be reading and watching movies Mr. Barb usually wouldn't like while he is gone.  Oh, and cooking for one which means less healthy options I am sure.

I have been doing pretty decent with my reading but as always, feels as if I have too many options and am not reading fast enough.  I just need to remind myself it's not a race.  I currently have three books going.

A Fatal Groove (Record Shop Mystery #2): Olivia Blacke

The Drowning House: Cherie Priest

Expiration Dates: Rebecca Serle

I will do a haul next time and in fact, may actually do a separate post.  I've been gathering some books when Kindle has them on sale while also trying to take advantage of the KU I pay for every month.  I think Amazon needs an all-inclusive rate if you ask me - Prime, KU and Kindle Music.  It would be a lot nicer than paying three different fees each month.

Hope you guys have a wonderful week.  Look for a few reviews this week, my norma, Wednesday Feed Your TBR post and perhaps another Buried by Books Library post.



  1. I'm laughing at the "cooking for one, less healthy options." That sounds so familiar, lol. When my hubby goes out of town, I always make myself pasta and other carbs since he doesn't want to eat them. I'm starting The Drowning House today, I hope you're enjoying it!

  2. I hear you about wanting to read more and feeling like I don't read fast enough. I wish you a great week with time to yourself and to run your schedule as is comfortable for a few days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. Last minute travel can be a hassle! Hopefully the dogs will just do more snuggling and playing with you. I understand the less healthy when it is just cooking for one. That's the story of my life, lol. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  4. Glad it's cooled down for you a bit. Hope you and the pups do okay while Mike is away.

  5. It's been pretty hot where we are too. I'm kind of looking forward to the winter weather soon.

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  6. Enjoy your time with your boys while your husband is at his conference! You have some nice books going. I liked A Fatal Groove. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    The Record Shop Mystery series looks like a fun read. Unfortunately my local library doesn't carry the series or the Cherie Priest title. Hope your dogs don't miss their Mr too much.
    Happy reading this week.

  8. I loved Expiration Dates and hope that you do too!

  9. We've been having the same heat index numbers, although today was a bit cooler. I enjoyed A Fatal Groove. I hope you are liking it. Hope you have a great week!
