Friday, July 19, 2024

I Can't Believe It's Over!!!!


TITLE: White Trash Zombie Unchained (WTZ #6)
AUTHOR: Diana Rowland
PUBLISHING DATE: September 5, 2017
PAGES: 354   
SOURCE: Library

FROM GOODREADS: Angel Crawford has finally pulled herself together (literally!) after her disastrous dismemberment on Mardi Gras. She’s putting the pieces of her life back in order and is ready to tackle whatever the future holds. 
Too bad the future is a nasty bitch. There’s a new kind of zombie in town: mindless shamblers, infectious and ravenous.
With the threat of a full-blown shambler pandemic looming, and a loved one stricken, Angel and the “real” zombies scramble to find a cure. Yet when Angel uncovers the true reason the plague is spreading so quickly, she adds “no-holds-barred revenge” to her to-do list. 
Angel is busting her ass dealing with shambling hordes, zombie gators, government jerks, and way too many mosquitos, but this white trash chick ain’t giving up. 
Good thing, since the fate of the world is resting on her undead shoulders.

MY THOUGHTS: I finished this series up in June and am now getting around to doing a review.  Good thing it's the sixth one which prevents me from going into too many details for fear of spoilers.

As this book opens, Angel is still facing some ramifications of a few bad choices she made in the last book.  In fact, her life is kind of a hot mess but as a reader, I wouldn't have it any other way.  The baddies are now trying to release the zombie plague on the human population and have found a quick and easy way to do it.  It is up to Angel and her team to stop it before it happens while managing to protect those she loves.  Plus, she still has her job at the morgue, college and a new boyfriend who recently found out she is a zombie, to juggle along the way.

Words cannot express how much I love Angel.  She is definitely going on the list as one of my favorite characters ever.  Even though she is not with flaws and problems, she has a huge heart and will do anything for those she loves.  I've enjoyed seeing her relationship with her father mend and grow throughout the series and even enjoyed seeing some of the bad guys jump ship and fight beside her.

I would be remiss though if I didn't mention my two absolute favorite characters in this book - Biggie and Tupac.  See the two gators on the cover?  That's them.  They play such a big role in this installment and at the end, I just wanted to give them a hug.  Which probably is a bad idea looking back but oh well.

If you love urban fantasy and action-packed books, you HAVE to pick up this series. I have given each and every one of the six books a 5/5 rating and it is now one of my favorite series ever.  I only wish there were more because I'd love to see what the future holds for Angel and the gang!



  1. This series is very high on my TBR list!

  2. Awww this will forever be a favorite series for me too. So glad to have chosen and read it, and thrilled you joined us. I hope you'll try our Read-alongs since I can pick some good ones. I'm worried about Biggie & Tupac if she and Nick go to Florida! I loved them.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Yes, I loved Biggie and Tupac too! I'm so sad the series is over because I loved it too. But I think the author ended it really well!

  4. I wasn't interested in this before you read the whole series, but now I need to figure out how to squeeze in these books. I'm so glad it's a new favorite of yours:-)

  5. I love a good Urban Fantasy, but am not overly fond of zombies. You do make it sound good though. Glad you enjoyed it.
