Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Feed Your TBR - These Vengeful Wishes


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

February 4, 2025

FROM GOODREADS: A teen girl moves to a small town and discovers a mysterious wishing well possessed by La Cegua, a vengeful female spirit with the face of a horse skull, in Vanessa Montalban’s new YA fantasy standalone.

When her stepfather is arrested, aspiring artist Ceci moves back to her mother’s hometown of Santa Aguas, an eccentric small town steeped in the legend of La Cegua, the specter of a wronged witch who appears on lonely roads at night, luring untrustworthy men to their deaths.

Ceci and her mother take up residence in the abandoned manor of the Sevilla family, rumored to have been cursed by La Cegua, where she begins to uncover a past that seems to be connected to her mother. The more she learns of the Sevillas, the more Ceci finds herself forming a strange affinity with the feared Cegua, who she suspects is the one inspiring her paintings of a mysterious door in the forest.

When the very door Ceci has been painting appears in the woods, she decides to venture through it with her new friend, Jamie. Together, they discover a well, guarded by the statue of a veiled woman. A well for granting wishes. The well of La Cegua.

What starts off as harmless fun quickly escalates into something sinister when Ceci realizes that the wishes are putting the people she loves in danger and testing her own penchant for vengeance. After learning others are also searching for the well, Ceci must confront the truth of her mother’s past and prevent La Cegua’s wishes from being used for the wrong reasons. Ceci knows too well how much people will sacrifice for power. Every wish has its price, and La Cegua never forgets the ones who have wronged her.

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  If I pick up a YA book nowadays, it is usually horror, and this is one I can't wait for.  I love the cover and can't wait to learn more about La Cequa.  I do feel the synopsis is a tad too long though.



  1. Even though I mostly stay away from YA, I agree with you, there's a better chance I'll like it if it's horror. This sounds very creepy!

  2. I don't read a lot of YA these days. But that whole wishing well aspect with wishes going wrong kind of appeals.

  3. I'm not a horror fan, but the premise is intriguing! I hope you enjoy it, Barb:).

  4. Ooh, this sounds spooky! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy it! :)

  5. It sounds interesting. And quite possibly horrifying. I like the idea that the wishes have a price like magic often does. Hope you enjoy it!
