Tuesday, September 20, 2016

TTT - Top 10 Favorite Albums

This top 10 weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and can be found HERE.  Each week they focus on lists which cover various topics related to books and reading. This week is an audio freebie and I'll be honest, I don't have a good track record with audiobooks (can't keep my attention, I fall asleep, etc) so I'm sharing with you 10 of my favorite albums.  ENJOY!

Prince - Purple Rain: One of his best albums ever (still not over his death - can't you tell!)

David Bowie - Changes: Another great one gone before his time.

Barenaked Ladies - Disc One:  I LOVE LOVE LOVE BNL! "The Old Apartment" is my fave!

Adele - 25: Enough said.

Modern English - After the Snow: I have listened to "Melt With You" for years.

Pink - Funhouse:  I love everything Pink does but this whole album rocks.

The Civil Wars - If you haven't heard "The One That Got Away" you need to listen to it NOW!

Stevie Nicks - Belladonna: She has one of the best voices ever.

Prince - Controvery: What?  You expected only one Prince album?

Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell:  Drove my dad crazy with this one on a trip once.

So, do you enjoy any of these artists or have any others you think I should check out?


  1. So I'm not a big music person and I tend to be stuck in the 70s-90s with my music choices. I actually don't recognize most of these names! I do know and I like Sara Bareilles :)

  2. I am sure I might know some some songs on those albums but not artist I would normally listen too. :) I can't even say I have a favorite album at all...lol.

  3. Oh man Purple Rain- I listened to that SO much. And I love Melt With You- one of the best songs ever. :) I'm a huge Stevie Nicks fan, both solo and with Fleetwood Mac. One of the best things i liked about Mac was the way their voices would layer on some of those songs- no one else sounds like them.

  4. I've recently been recommended both The Civil Wars and Barenaked Ladies - now I have albums to start with! Thank you for the recommendations :)

  5. Ahh Meat Loaf is amazing. I have everyone of his albums. Love Prince too. My TTT

  6. Great album picks! I love pink and of course meatloaf and prince are amazing.
