Thursday, June 29, 2023

2 Bloggers 1 Series - Sacred Evil (Krewe of Hunters)



So this book was a pretty spur of the moment read for me and Stormi.  We had already finished our planned buddy reads for June and I was trying to decide what to read next as I had kind of stalled out, and Stormi suggested we read the next book in this series.  BEST. DECISION. EVER!  Read on to see my thoughts and then and then hop over to Stormi's at Storm Reads to see her's.
TITLE:Sacred Evil (Krewe of Hunter #3))
AUTHOR: Heather Graham
PUBLISHING DATE: July 26, 2011
PAGES: 382   
SOURCE: Hoopla


The details of the crime scene are no coincidence. The body—a promising starlet—has been battered, bloodied and then discarded between two of Manhattan's oldest graveyards. 
One look and Detective Jude Crosby recognizes the tableau: a re-creation of Jack the Ripper's gruesome work. But he also sees something beyond the actions of a mere copycat. Something more dangerous…and unexplainable. 
As the city seethes with suspicion, Jude calls on Whitney Tremont, a member of the country's preeminent paranormal investigating team, to put the speculation to rest. Yet when Whitney and Jude delve deeper, what they discover is more shocking than either could have predicted, and twice as sinister… 

MY THOUGHTS: So I will say these books are setting themselves up to be pretty formulaic in that each book focuses primarily on a different member of the task force and sets them up to meet their future partner in the midst of solving some kind of crime.  That being said, I don't mind that formula as all the tales are different and they have just enough supernatural elements thrown in to really catch my attention.

I should have known I would love this one as it features as Jack the Ripper type killer and includes a lot of historical information about the "real" Jack the Ripper.  Detective Jude Crosby finds himself in the middle of some truly gruesome murders happening in New York and needing all the help they can get, his bosses call in the Krewe to assist.  Whitney arrives early which give her and Jude some time to interact while laying the groundwork for the mystery to unfold.  Eventually the rest of the task force arrives in town which allows us to revisit some of our other favorite characters while still focusing on the building chemistry between Jude and Whitney.

I don't want to give anything away but let's just say that the mystery part of Sacred Evil really kept me guessing.  I had my suspicions on the culprit and was pleased to eventually learn I was wrong.  I also think that Jude and Whitney are a wonderful match for each other physically and intellectually and I loved seeing their bond intensify. 

If you love mysteries with a hint of supernatural then you should really give this older mystery a try.  It is rather lengthy but so far, I am enjoying it and this is my favorite installment to date.  And I will close on this - GHOST DOG!  Need I really say more?  



  1. Sounds like a perfect buddy read. And any book that harks back to Jack the Ripper always intrigues me. :D

  2. I haven't read any Heather Graham, but I have a couple of hers on my TBR.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Bookstagram | Personal Insta | TikTok | Goodreads

  3. Everytime I read a review of this series it makes me want to start reading it. I could get behind a ghost dog! Have you read Nettle & Bone? That book has a bone dog!

  4. I may need to check out this series, that cover grabbed my attention too!

  5. I'm slowly working on this series. I've read this one and about 2-3 more. They do seem to be similar in style. I am listening to audio because Luke Daniels is a favorite.

    Anne - Books of My Heart
