Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Feed Your TBR - I'll Be Waiting


Can't Wait Wednesday, which I have adapted to better suit my blog as "Feed Your TBR" is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings to spotlight highly anticipated books.  It is based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme which used to be hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

OCTOBER 1, 2024

FROM GOODREADS: Nicola Laughton never expected to see adulthood, being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a child. Then medical advances let her live into her thirties and she met Anton, who taught her to dream of a future… together. Months after they married, Anton died in a horrible car, but lived long enough to utter five words to her, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

That final private moment became public when someone from the crash scene took it to the press—the terminally ill woman holding her dying husband as he promised to wait for her on the other side. Worse, that person claimed it wasn’t Anton who said the words but his ghost, hovering over his body.

Since their story went public, Nicola has been hounded by spiritualists promising closure. In the hopes of stopping her downward spiral, friends and family find a reputable medium—a professor of parapsychology. For the séance, they rent the Lake Erie beach house that Anton’s family once owned.

The medium barely has time to begin his work before things start happening. Locked doors mysteriously open. Clouds of insects engulf the house. Nicola hears footsteps and voices and the creak of an old dumbwaiter…in an empty shaft. Throughout it all she’s haunted by nightmares of her past. Because, unbeknownst to the others, this isn’t her first time contacting the dead. And Nicola isn’t her real name.

That’s when she finds the first body....

WHY I CAN'T WAIT:  I have never read an Armstrong book I haven't enjoyed, and I've read a lot.  However, I still have a huge backlist and she keeps coming out with multiple news book every year.  Seriously, does this woman sleep????  


  1. I'm also shocked at how many books she publishes, lol. I can't wait for this one!

  2. This sounds too scary for me but I hope you enjoy the book.

  3. The horror ones are too scary for me but I love all her other genre books. I'm even going to try her romance one.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I need more Kelley Armstrong in my life! I've loved all her books that I've read - but she's produced so much recently that I need to cruise through Goodreads to pick a series and start working through it! Thank you for sharing, Barb:)).

  5. I like the cover. It sounds good. I'll have to add it to my tbr. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you enjoy it!

  6. Sounds amazing! I read a lot of Kelley Armstrong's YA books when I was younger, so I might have to check out her adult stuff!

  7. I love Kelley Armstrong's books and this one sounds SO good!

  8. Wow there’s a lot going on this book. I hope that you enjoy it Barb.

  9. This cover is so stunning. I can't believe I haven't come across it. I read her YA books many many years ago. Would be interested to see how her writing has evolved. Hope you enjoy this!

  10. What an interesting premise! I agree, I don't get how Kelley Armstrong puts out as many books as she does! I hope you enjoy this one :)

  11. It's been a while since I've read a Kelley Armstrong book, but I've loved everything I have read by her. This one sounds spooky, but so good! Hope you enjoy it! :)

  12. I need to read more by Kelley Armstrong. It's been so long since I picked up one of her books and every new one she writes sounds so good. This one too! I hope you love it when you read it, Barb!
