Saturday, March 7, 2020

What's Happening...(03-07-20)

So I'm doing things a tad bit differently this year and will be combining all of my regular weekend posts.  This will enable me to add more content on Fridays and it is just starting to make more sense.  I'll still be linking up with Stacking the Shelves at Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.  Both blogs are awesome so make sure you check them out. 

So I missed posting last week so hopefully I can make this update fairly short.  However, I have tons of books to share so who knows.

I'm actually surprised that I've been able to read as much as I have lately.  I'm still proud to say I'm kicking Goodreads' butt!  Let's see how long I stay winning on that front.  Gpa came home, was fine and then was back in the hospital.  He's seems to be doing okay but his insurance used to cover 4-6 weeks of home health upon referral and now it's been cut to 2 weeks!  I guess they'd rather pay exorbitant hospital/rehab costs.  Go figure.  I think I'll leave that battle for my Stupid Uncle when he gets home.  Who am I kidding?  He won't do anything.

The pups are fine and Apollo is growing like a weed.  He's 18 weeks old and I'm happy to say the biting is decreasing - some.  Cass had some tests done which all came back great so I'm happy on that front as well.  I promise to have pictures next week.  Mr. Barb bought Apollo a skateboard.  Sometimes I just nod and move on.  So far it's been a great chew toy!

Entertainment wise I've watched a few things.  We watched "Black Christmas" on a whim - meaning I put it on and Mr. Barb walked in so he humored me.  He typically is not a fan of slasher movies.  This one had a weird twist though.  Then I was sick one day this week so I watched "Last Christmas."  It also took an unexpected turn but was really good and I enjoyed all the George Michael music.  Hmmm...maybe I prefer Christmas in March.  

Mr. Barb has become obsessed with Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PS4.  I don't mind when he games because honestly, he doesn't do it year-round.  But there have been times I felt he would listen better this week if I had a life bar over my head he could focus on :)  Actually it's given me tons of reading time as I can sit on the couch and "watch" while reading.  Wonder if he has figured out that's why I encourage him to play so much?

This is the first weekend in a long time that I actually feel ahead on my reading and don't have any immediate commitments so I can read freely.  I'm almost finished with Roo and then I'm going to start on a few library books.  

I also bought a few books.  I had preordered a physical copy of Crescent City (don't ask why because I can't tell ya).  I also preordered a digital copy of Thelma and Daphne.  Finally I added Psychomania to my Kindle because I recently placed it in my wishlist and I saw Friday it was on sale for $1.99.  Couldn't let that pass me by could I?

And finally my review haul.  Bear in mind I've not shared any review books for the past three weeks.  For sake of time and convenience, I'll list the title and you can click on that to go to the Goodreads page.  

So I think that does it for this week. Hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend!

Hey guys, I had a huge problem this week with commenting on some blogs and them not showing up.  If I normally visit your blog please check your spam (I've been told some ended up there).  I've also reached out to some of you on Twitter.  Please know I'm still visiting and still around!!!!


  1. Wow, you have so much nice stuff in your haul! I'm excited for Titan's Day and Deeplight and The Living Dead! And how cool, my husband is also about to play AC: Odyssey. We've had it for a while, but he took a break after playing AC: Origins so he doesn't get burned out.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I'm reading both Titan books next month. At least that's the plan. My husband is searching for other AC games he might like now that he's enjoying this one so much. I can see why it might be easy to burn out though. This game is extremely long. And I'm trying to convince him to get the Atlantis add-on because I want to see it :)

  2. "A life bar" lol...

    Last Christmas sounds fun, and George Michael music. Nice. Hope your Gpa does okay...

    The Roo- don't mess w/ kangaroos i guess ha!

    I had commenting issues recently too on Wordpress blogs. Thankfully it seemed to get better (Akismet helped though after I notified 'em)...

  3. That's good news about Cass! Hopefully Apollo is starting to grow out of the biting phase now. I'm sure that would please Cass too! Also I'm glad that your grandpa is doing better.

    I'm very curious about The Roo but I'll need to read some reviews on it before I make a decision! There's certainly nothing of yours showing up in my spam box but I'll keep an eye out anyway!

    1. I liked the Roo but there are things that annoyed me. I think you might want to catch mine and Stormi's reviews before you read it. I think they're going up next week.

  4. So I'm not the only blog that's been eating your comments? I think I got all yours out of spam and now they're showing up. What a pain, sorry Barb! I want to see a photo of Apollo on the skateboard if that ever happens😁

    1. Nope, there have been others. I'll add Apollo's pic next weekend but it's already up on Instagram.

  5. I think all your comments are coming through on my blog okay. And I had to smile when you wrote "Sometimes I just nod and move on." I'd love to see your cute pup chewing on that skateboard. :D

    1. Yea I don't seem to have any problems with blogspot blogs.

  6. Were the blogs WordPress, because Greg was having problems a week or so ago. 😐

    Nod and move on is a great credo! 👍✨

    I am still loving the cover of Pine. 📚

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

    1. Yes they all were. I need to contact the same people he did.

  7. Uh oh. My book list just went way up! LOL I have The Roo on my wish list. I've got to read it!

  8. that's so funny...your hubby buying apollo a skateboard. i look forward to seeing pics of him teaching apollo how to use it. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental

  9. Look at all those really cool books!!!! :) I checked my spam and didn't see you in there, so I don't have a clue why you can't comment now. :(

    1. Let's just decide that I'm weird and my comments are hit or miss :)

  10. Ha, I use hubby's gaming the same way you use Mr. Barb's. ;) It's sure handy for when you want quiet reading time and don't want to be bothered hehe. Sometimes it's the small life hacks that make the biggest difference.

    Looks like you've got some great ARC reads coming up! I've got Deeplight, too, and I'm really looking forward to that. :)

    I'm not sure why, but all of your comments are being sent to my spam, too. Thankfully, I caught it, and so I've been making sure to check, but I can't seem to un-spam you. De-spam? Well, anyway, it looks like you've made my spam box your home, so I've just made an effort to check that you're okay in there and throw you some food every now and then, just in case. xD

  11. Ah! Congrats on getting ahead! Reading freely is the best! I'm so close to getting caught up as well! :)

    1. Yea that's kind of been what March has morphed into. I have a few commitments but I'm trying to mood read a tad as well.

  12. A skateboard?? Haha! I think I would follow your lead and just nod and move on if my husband did something similar. ;) Deeplight is on my list! I can't stop looking at its cover. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. It was the smartest thing to do and yes, that cover is awesome.

  13. I hope you enjoy your books. I look forward to seeing more dog pictures.

  14. I want to read the Sarah J. Maas but haven't done anything about it yet. I did also get Titan's Day for review. You get quite a variety of books in your haul! I check my spam periodically. I know my comments go there for some blogs too.

    Have a wonderful week! Enjoy those new books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  15. I hate that your grandpa had to go back to the hospital. Insurance makes no sense to me. It can be hard to get a lot of reading done with a little biter in the house so you are doing great. Our Piper doesn't bite anymore but she digs. You should see our poor yard! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. Yes I have up trying to understand insurance ages ago. I caught Apollo digging a hole the other night at 10pm. Maybe he's moved on from eating dirt to digging it.

  16. I was just thinking about Black Christmas earlier this week. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

  17. I talked to my new host and they said it's possible you've entered something new when commenting on my blog, and that's why your comments were ending up in spam at my blog. I didn't think you were entering anything new though (sighs) Sorry Barb, I can't figure out what happened. The Harpy sounds interesting and twisted -- such a cool pick! And Dog Mom! the cuteness!

    1. Me either but hopefully some are going through.

  18. yay for kicking Goodreads' butt! I had not doubt you would :) Sorry to hear about grandpa tough! (and Stupid Uncle that never seems to help!) Crossing my fingers everything goes ok for grandpa!

    1. He's such a jerk. Thanks for the good thoughts.

  19. reading Tammy's comment about her blog eating your 'comments' - which apparently my blog has also been doing. It's so strange. I'm really not sure why.
    That Harpy cover is really strange isn't it - I can't stop looking at it.
    And I would love to buy the Dan Stout series but it doesn't seem to be available electronically and I prefer to buy for kindle these days. I hope that changes.
    Lynn :D

    1. Yep, yours was another one. I finally created a wordpress account so if you see anything from boxermommyreads, it's me. I know Titan's Shade is on Kindle here in the US. Maybe it's a states thing.
