Friday, August 23, 2024

A Rehabilitated Zombie?


TITLE: Notes on a Zombie
AUTHOR: Daniel Betts
PUBLISHING DATE: January 19, 2024
PAGES: 68   
SOURCE: Kindle Unlimited

FROM GOODREADS: A young man finds himself stuck in hospital with meningitis. The drugs are great, the food is terrible, and the zombie next door keeps hogging all the nurses. Why are they keeping that thing alive in here? Just let the dead die, right? The incessant moaning and vomiting were bad enough, but then came the new noise...Now drastic, borderline-absurd measures are required, otherwise that undead prick might just outlive him. But if he wants to get through this, he’ll need to look past his own petty prejudices and ask himself the big, difficult — Why do we all have such disregard for the elderly and infirm?— Is there more going on inside that thing’s head than just a yearning for flesh?— When will they restock the vending machine?— Is my bed actually that comfy or do I need to chill out on the morphine? With time running out, is there any hope for either of them? 

MY THOUGHTS:  I saw this book pop up or mentioned on social media somewhere and when I saw it was on Kindle Unlimited, I took a chance.  I don't want to say too much because it's a short novella, but I am glad I did.  

This book is told from the POV of a young man in the hospital for meningitis.  He lives in an age where the zombie apocalypse has already happened, and a cure has already been found.  The key to survival is catching it early thought and taking medications within the first month.  Suffering and healing in his hospital bed, a zombie is moved into the room next door.  What happens next is a hilarious but introspective look into humanity and what does it really mean to be human.

I loved the tale, and this book touched my cynical little heart.  The narrator is realistic and blunt at times but humane and kind at others.  If you are looking for a fun read with a hint of horror, this one is for you.



  1. It's been too long since I read a fun zombie book. I'll have to check this one out. :D

  2. I don't know. Any horror might be too much for me. lol. I have KU but always have the max books checked out. I'm trying to work on that.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I love the sound of this, a zombie in a hospital:-) I may have to check it out!
