Sunday, August 18, 2024

Farm News - August 18, 2024


It's been a while since I've done a general update, but life has just gotten in the way lately.  I am glad that I am still managing a few posts each week but come the weekends, I tend to slack off.  I also haven't done a book haul in ages so look for a separate post this week spotlighting all of my recent acquisitions. 

First of all and most importantly, today is a very special day here at Booker T's Farm. My dear Ezekiel Kwon (aka - Zekey) turns 1!  I can't believe it.  We will be having him a small party later today so look for pictures soon.  I'm so glad he joined our family and even though he is a tad odd, he's our little oddball and we all love him so very much.

I got the score on Friday at the end of the day for my second project for the year-long training I've been doing.  I got a 91/100 and you had to get an 80 to pass so I was thrilled.  It was a lot of work and I'm glad it paid off.  Now I have six months to study for the final exam and take the test and if I pass it, I will become a certified trainer.  

We have some major repairs coming up at the farm.  A project we knew for several years would need done finally reared its ugly head so sometime in the next few weeks our life will be disrupted for two days.  As much as I dread it, I know we are blessed it came at a time where we had the money put back already.  

As for reading, I finished three books this weekend so I will show you what I recently finished, and what I am looking forward to this coming week.  

You May Now Kill the Bride: Kate Weston - This book was a blast and a great example of how I can totally despise all of the characters and still enjoy the tale.

Corrupt (Devil's Night #1): Penelope Douglas - This was a book where I hate the book as much as I hated all the people in it.  You can find my review HERE.

Notes on a Zombie: A novella with heart, teeth and a little bit of brains...: Daniel Betts - I read this to fulfill a prompt on my Kindle Quarterly Reading Challenge.  I really enjoyed it and hope to review it for you guys soon.

Here is what I am working on this week:

Ghost Station: S.A. Barnes

And finally, in case you missed it, Stormi and I are co-hosting a reading challenge the whole month of September called Vamptember.  You can find the announcement and all the information in my previous post HERE.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and staying safe.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy birthday Zekey! You are making progress in your work and improvements in your home and that must feel amazing.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. That's excellent news about your training score! And happy birthday Zekey, what a cutie he is 😁 I really enjoyed Ghost Station, and now I'm off to read your review of Corrupt!

  3. Happy Birthday to Zekey! I'm looking forward to seeing the celebration pics. Vamptember sounds like fun. I hope you have a great week!

  4. Happy birthday to Zekey! I hope your home project goes well. Also, nice looking books. You are tempting me to do a Harry Dresden reread. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  5. Vamptember looks interesting, I'll check it out! Can't wait to see pictures from Zekey's birthday. Don't you hate when those things you know are going to need to be fixed at some point pop up before you are ready? I have a feeling my back tiny deck and stairs will need that soon too. Oh well. Have a good week!

  6. Aw, Zekey! What an adorable muzzle.

    Well done on your score, and I'm sending good vibes and encouragement for the last leg of your trainer journey. Also, I hope the repairs are quick and don't end up disrupting your routine too much (two days are acceptable...right?).

  7. Congratulations on your high grade! And happy birthday to adorable Zekey! I struggle bigtime if I don't like any characters in a book. I'm glad you can set that aside and still enjoy it. Good luck with the repairs.

  8. Look at that sweet face, Happy Bday to Zekey!
    I've been curious about trying S.A. Barnes and Looking For Love in All The Haunted Places sounds fun! Looks like you've got a fun week of reading ahead :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Zekey! And congrats on rocking your training project. That's awesome. :D
