Thursday, August 15, 2024

Vamptember Reading Challenge!


I've been commenting on and off all year that I am loving the vampire revival we are seeing in the publishing world.  And honestly, I've been accumulating quite a few vampire books.  So, some thoughts started rolling around my head, I had a few discussions with a great friend, and thus, Vamptember was born.  And not only will you find lots of Vamptember content here in the month of September, Stormi, from Storm Reads as well as her booktube channel which you can find HERE, has agreed to co-host with me. 

There are two ways to participate with us.  First there is a level system where you can simply commit to read the number of books associated with some of our favorite vampires.  The books can have vampire main characters, side characters or even as you will see, vampire animals.  The second way you can participate is by using our Vamptember Bingo Board. 


The Littlest Vampire - Read only 1 book.

Bunnicula - Read two books

Damon Salvatore - Read three books

Dracula - Read four or more books


This challenge will run the entire month of September.  I plan on having posts sharing my TBR, some of my favorite vampire books, and maybe even a post about favorite movies.  If you want to join the fun, feel free to leave a comment saying so, grab some graphics from her and make an announcement on your own forms of social media.  I want this to be a low-key, no-pressure event but would love to see it grow and maybe become a yearly thing.  


  1. Fantastic event! I'll try and at least get the Littlest Vampire badge or maybe the top row of the bingo card.

  2. I love this idea! I need to check my September book list to see what vampire books I might have, but I'll definitely participate😁

  3. Looking forward to Vamptember! 📚

  4. I came over from Stormi's channel. I love the mascot of the vampire boxer. He also looks about my level of vampire as I'm a big ole wimp - but I'll see what I can find.
    Nice to meet you - I hear Stormi talk about you a lot. :)

  5. I came over from Stormi's channel. Love the mascot for the readathon, I will see what I can find as I'm a big old wimp so I need a nice vampire lol. Nice to meet you, I hear Stormi talk about you a lot. :)

  6. Hi, I came over from Storm’s YouTube channel. It sounds like a great event; can’t wait to join in. Also the vampire dog logo is so adorable.
