Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2 Bloggers 1 Series - Fool Moon (The Dresden Files #2)


This month Stormi and I continued with our Dreden Files series read.  Like I might have mentioned, I read the first five years ago, so they are technically rereads.  However, I am finding I remember VERY little about them so it might as well be the first time around.  So read on to see how I enjoyed book two and then hop over to Stormi's @ Storm Reads to see what she thought.


TITLE: Fool Moon (Dresden Files #2)
AUTHOR: Jim Butcher
PUBLISHING DATE: January 9, 2001
PAGES: 401   
SOURCE: Library

FROM GOODREADS: Business has been slow. Okay, business has been dead. And not even of the undead variety. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden hasn't been able to dredge up any kind of work — magical or mundane. 
But just when it looks like he can't afford his next meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise. 
A brutally mutilated corpse. Strange-looking paw prints. A full moon. Take three guesses--and the first two don't count...

MY THOUGHTS: When this book opens, Harry is still feeling the fallout and ramifications from the ending of book one.  His relationship with the police has taken a strong hit so Murphy isn't calling him for jobs like she used to.  While struggling to survive, Harry is glad when he is pulled into a new murder investigation - well, not glad someone died but glad to have some work.  He is hoping this work will repair his relationship with Lt. Murphy but before he knows it, he's pulled neck-deep in a string of murders where pawprints are left as evidence, gangs, organized crimes and his mess of a love life.

It's apparent early on that werewolves are involved in this book in a major way.  The reader is introduced to werewolf lore, how the hierarchy functions in Harry's modern-day world, and who is out to get who.  I loved that we get to learn more about Harry's history and of course, being a huge werewolf fan, I found myself right in my element.  

The mystery in this book is pretty complex and there are lots of players.  The action kept my attention and I couldn't wait to see what happens next.  In addition, Harry and Murphy are at odds for most of the book and I was excited to see if their relationship could be salvaged.  I honestly recall that some characters in this book show up in the next few books and it clear Marcone, the organized crime leader, isn't finished trying to lure Harry to the dark side - or maybe I should say darker side.  If you love urban fantasy, paranormal elements and a good mystery, then this series is for you.

On a side note, I remember SyFy launching a series following these books some years ago.  I never watched them and I'm not sure the series even lasted long but clearly someone missed the boat because there is a ton of material and a huge cast of characters.  Maybe someone should look into reviving this.  Anyone have any Netflix connections???



  1. This is such a great series! I love when Harry gets his dog Mouse in book 5...or was it 6? Fool Moon is the first one I ever read, and still one of my favs. :D

  2. I love anything with werewolves, and I didn't know they were in this series. I don't remember the TV show but I'd definitely watch a Netflix version!

  3. I really enjoy this series and it's been 9 years since I read the earlier ones. I hope to do a Read-along but it's a long series so I haven't figured out how to do that best.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I watched the series! I think it was before I started reading the series and was the reason I wanted to read it. It was only one season, I thought it was fun but I am sure they could do a lot better now days as long as they don't change to many things or add things that don't need to be there.
